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Adds an address and its label to a multivalue list.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Addressbook 5.1 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes


This function was deprecated. Use Contacts functions instead.

MBS( "Addressbook.multivalue.addAddress"; label { ; street; zip; city; country; countrycode; state } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
label The label to associate with the value. "Work"
street The street for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "Main Street 123" Optional
zip The zip code for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "12345" Optional
city The city for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "Springfield" Optional
country The country for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "Germany" Optional
countrycode The country code for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "US" Optional
state The state for the address. Can be empty if unknown. "CA" Optional


Returns identifier or error.


Adds an address and its label to a multivalue list.
Only useful for addresses.
Returns the new identifier if value is added successfully; otherwise, nil.
Values which are empty text are not added to the address.


Creates a new address:

MBS( "Addressbook.multivalue.addAddress"; "AddressHomeLabel"; "Main Street 123"; "12345"; "Springfield"; "USA" )

Adds address without zip code:

MBS( "Addressbook.multivalue.addAddress"; "Work"; "Hlíðarbyggð"; ""; "Garðabær"; "Island"; ""; "IS" )

See also

This function checks for a license.

Created 7th March 2015, last changed 14th July 2022

Addressbook.multivalue.New - Addressbook.multivalue.addValue