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Returns the label for the given index.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Addressbook 3.1 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes


This function was deprecated. Use Contacts functions instead.

MBS( "Addressbook.multivalue.labelAtIndex"; index )   More


Parameter Description Example
index The index for the label to be returned. $index


Returns label text or error.


Returns the label for the given index.
If the index argument is out of bounds, this method returns an error.

Possible labels are:
kABHomePageLabel, kABEmailWorkLabel, kABEmailHomeLabel, kABAddressHomeLabel, kABAddressWorkLabel, kABAnniversaryLabel, kABFatherLabel, kABMotherLabel, kABParentLabel, kABBrotherLabel, kABSisterLabel, kABChildLabel, kABFriendLabel, kABSpouseLabel, kABPartnerLabel, kABAssistantLabel, kABManagerLabel, kABPhoneWorkLabel, kABPhoneHomeLabel, kABPhoneiPhoneLabel, kABPhoneMobileLabel, kABPhoneMainLabel, kABPhoneHomeFAXLabel, kABPhoneWorkFAXLabel, kABPhonePagerLabel, kABAIMWorkLabel, kABAIMHomeLabel, kABJabberWorkLabel, kABJabberHomeLabel, kABMSNWorkLabel, kABMSNHomeLabel, kABYahooWorkLabel, kABYahooHomeLabel, kABICQWorkLabel, kABICQHomeLabel, kABWorkLabel, kABHomeLabel, kABOtherLabel or kABMobileMeLabel.

See also

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This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 18th August 2014

Addressbook.multivalue.insertValue - Addressbook.multivalue.labelForIdentifier