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Adds an postal address to a contact with JSON.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Contacts 8.4 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes
MBS( "CNContact.AddPostalAddressJSON"; ContactIdentifier; Label; JSON )   More


Parameter Description Example
ContactIdentifier The contact identifier. "46B1E34D-58F9-4B6B-A80D-0F71ABB87A0E"
Label The label to use.
For your convenience we translate Work, Home and Other to the right values, so they get localized in display.
Default label is Other.
JSON The block of JSON.


Returns OK or error.


Adds an postal address to a contact with JSON.
This is a convenience function to add just one postal address account with a given label to the contact.
Please call CNContactStore.UpdateContact later to store the values.

The JSON should be an object with a few of the following keys: street, city, state, postalCode, country and ISOCountryCode. For MacOS 10.12.4 or iOS 10.3, you can set subLocality and subAdministrativeArea, too.

See also

Created 1st August 2018, last changed 3th August 2018

CNContact.AddPostalAddress - CNContact.AddRelation