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Launches the file or opens folder.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Files 2.7 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No
MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; Path { ; NewInstance } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
Path Native path to the item to reveal. "/Users/cs/Desktop/Notes.rtf"
NewInstance Available in MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.2 or newer.
Whether to launch new app instance on Mac.
Default is 0.
1 Optional


Returns "OK" or error.


Launches the file or opens folder.
The OS will lookup what application is associated with the file type and launch the application asking it to open the document.

See also Files.Launch if you need to pass application and document.
If you launch a folder path, the folder will open in Finder/Explorer.

Please use Files.LaunchFile to open a file and Files.Launch to open a file in a specific application.
Check also the Shell functions to run command line tools and get the output. This may work on the server, where the normal launch function may not work due to missing GUI.

This function requires a native path. Use Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath to convert a FileMaker path to a native path if required. If you like to have the user choose the path, you can use FileDialog functions.


Shows a folder in Finder on Mac:

MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; "/Users" )

Write container to temp file and launch:

# get temp folder
Set Variable [$TempFolder; Value:MBS( "Folders.SystemTemporary" )]
# and file name from container
Set Variable [$name; Value:MBS( "Path.LastPathComponent"; test::myContainer )]
# add name to folder path
Set Variable [$TempPath; Value:MBS( "Path.AddPathComponent"; $TempFolder; $name )]
# now write temp file
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "Files.WriteFile"; test::myContainer; $TempPath)]
# and launch file
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; $TempPath)]

Launch new copy of same app:

MBS("Files.LaunchFile"; "/Applications/FileMaker Pro 15 Advanced/FileMaker Pro"; 1)

Launch word file on Windows:

Set Variable [ $r; Value: MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; "C:\Users\Christian\Desktop\test.docx" ) ]

Launch Script taking a list of files to launch:

Set Variable [ $list ; Value: Get(ScriptParameter) ]
# loop over file paths received
Set Variable [ $count ; Value: ValueCount($list) ]
Set Variable [ $index ; Value: 1 ]
If [ $index$count ]
        # launch it
        Set Variable [ $path ; Value: GetValue($list; $index) ]
        Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; $path ) ]
        # wait half a second
        Pause/Resume Script [ Duration (seconds): ,5 ]
        # next
        Set Variable [ $index ; Value: $index + 1 ]
        Exit Loop If [ $index > $count ]
    End Loop
End If

Open documents folder:

Set Variable [ $r; Value: MBS("Files.LaunchFile"; MBS("Folders.UserDocuments")) ]

Launch notes app:

MBS( "Files.LaunchFile"; "/System/Applications/")

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 4th April 2022

Files.Launch - Files.List