Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Sets expression to be run when hotkey is pressed.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
HotKey | 6.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Parameter | Description | Example |
HotKeyRef | The reference value for the hotkey as returned by HotKey.Register function. | $hotkey |
Expression | The expression to evaluate. Can be in local language of FileMaker Pro or english. For Server must always be in english. |
"Let ( $$Done = 1 ; 1 )" |
Returns OK or error.
Sets expression to be run when hotkey is pressed.In the expression the text $$ID$$ will be replaced when evaluated with the hotkey reference, so you can pass it to other functions if needed.
Sets expression to run when hotkey is pressed:
Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS( "HotKey.SetEvaluate"; $hotkey; "Let ( $$Cancelled = 1 ; 1 )" ) ]
Set to write to a log file when a key is pressed:
MBS( "HotKey.SetEvaluate"; $hotkey; "MBS(\"Text.AppendTextFile\"; Get(CurrentHostTimeStamp) & \": Key F5 pressed¶\"; \"/Users/cs/Desktop/hotkey.txt\"; \"native\")")
Register Control-F5 for showing/hiding data viewer:
Set Variable [$hotkey; Value:MBS("HotKey.Register"; "F5"; "control")]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "HotKey.SetEvaluate"; $hotkey; "MBS(\"Menubar.RunMenuCommand\"; 49297)" )]
Register Control-F5 to write text file on desktop with content of data viewer:
MBS( "HotKey.SetEvaluate";
MBS("HotKey.Register"; "F5"; "control");
"MBS( \"Text.WriteTextFile\";
MBS( \"FM.DataViewerContent\" );
MBS( \"Path.AddPathComponent\";
MBS( \"Folders.UserDesktop\" );
\"Data Viewer \" & substitute(substitute(Get(CurrentTimestamp); \":\"; \"-\"); \"/\"; \"-\") & \".txt\" );
Register Control-F6 to write current script a text file to desktop:
MBS( "HotKey.SetEvaluate";
MBS("HotKey.Register"; "F6"; "control");
"MBS( \"Text.WriteTextFile\";
MBS( \"ScriptWorkspace.ScriptText\" );
MBS( \"Path.AddPathComponent\";
MBS( \"Folders.UserDesktop\" );
\"Script \" & substitute(substitute(MBS( \"ScriptWorkspace.CurrentTab\" ); \":\"; \"-\"); \"/\"; \"-\") & \".txt\" );
See also
- App.GetFocussedWindowTitle
- FM.DataViewerContent
- Folders.UserDesktop
- HotKey.GetEvaluate
- HotKey.Register
- Menubar.RunMenuCommand
- Path.AddPathComponent
- ScriptWorkspace.CurrentTab
- ScriptWorkspace.ScriptText
- Text.AppendTextFile
Example Databases
Blog Entries
- Define a hotkey to copy field name for layout objects in FileMaker
- Data Viewer extensions
- Formatting and error checking expressions in FileMaker
- Insert snippet for FileMaker on Windows
- Define hot keys for functions in the FileMaker development
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 6.1pr5
- Evaluate vs. Script Trigger
FileMaker Magazin
This function is free to use.
Created 4th March 2016, last changed 8th November 2024