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Adds an entry to a tree.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
LDAP 7.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No


This function was deprecated. Use LDAP.AddJSON instead.

MBS( "LDAP.AddRecord"; LDAPRef; dn; Type...; Value... )   More


Parameter Description Example
LDAPRef The reference number for the LDAP connection. $ldap
dn The name of the entry to add.
Type... The name of the attribute to add.
Value... The value for the attribute.


Returns OK or error.


Adds an entry to a tree.
The parent of the entry being added must already exist or the parent must be empty (equal to the root distinguished name) for an add operation to succeed.
This version of the Add can add several keys and values with simple text values.
So please pass as many parameters as you need, always with key and value.

Deprecated. Please use LDAP.AddJSON instead.

This function takes variable number of parameters. Pass as much parameters as needed separated by the semicolon in FileMaker.
Please repeat Type and Value parameters as often as you need.


Add two values:

MBS( "LDAP.Add"; $ldap; "test"; "cn"; "Hello"; "fn"; "World" )

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 5th January 2017, last changed 5th June 2021

LDAP.AddList - LDAP.Bind