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Sets column names.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Matrix 12.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Matrix.SetColumnNames"; MatrixRef; Names )   More


Parameter Description Example
MatrixRef The matrix reference number. $matrix
Names The value list with the names. "FirstName¶LastName¶Phone"


Returns OK or error.


Sets column names.
Overwrites the column names with the given list of values.


Use CSV with column names:

Let ([
// split a CSV
matrix = MBS( "Matrix.CSVSplit"; "FirstName;LastName;City¶Joe;Miller;Las Vegas¶Bob;\"Johnson-Meyer\";\"Köln\"");
// now move first row into column names
firstRow = MBS("Matrix.GetRow"; matrix; 0);
r = MBS("Matrix.SetColumnNames"; matrix; firstRow);
r = MBS("Matrix.RemoveRow"; matrix; 0);
// and ask for text back with column names in first row
text = MBS("Matrix.CSV"; matrix;"";"";"";"";"";",";2);
r = MBS("Matrix.Release"; matrix)

]; text )

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 9th October 2022, last changed 5th February 2023

Matrix.SetColumnName - Matrix.SetRow