Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Pops up the menu at the specified location.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
Menu | 4.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Parameter | Description | Example | Flags |
menu | The reference to the menu. Please create one with Menu.CreateMenu. | $menu | |
mode | The mode to use. Can be "mouse", "screen", "object" or "window". Default is mouse for leaving away the parameter or passing empty text. Version 8.3 adds mode "content" to make it relative to the content part of the window, below toolbars. |
"mouse" | |
x | The relative x coordinates for the position relative to the mouse, screen or window. | 0 | Optional |
y | The relative y coordinates for the position relative to the mouse, screen or window. | 0 | Optional |
window | The window reference for the showing menu relative to a window. | $window | Optional |
item | The menu item to be positioned at the specified location in the view. macOS only. |
$item | Optional |
objectName | The object name for mode=object. | "web" | Optional |
Returns 1, 0 or error.
Pops up the menu at the specified location.The top left corner of the specified item (if specified, item must be present in the receiver) is positioned at the specified location in the specified view, interpreted in the view's own coordinate system.
If you call this on the server for Web Direct, the menu will show on the server, not in the browser.
Returns 1 if item was selected or 0 if not.
If you like to show a context menu only when user did a right mouse click, you can use the EventMonitor.LastMouseClickButton function to check mouse state.
Show a context menu based on a table with menu entries:
# go to layout with menu entries
Go to Layout [ “REP” (REP Reports) ]
# this script can be called with various groups
Set Variable [ $type ; Value: Get(ScriptParameter) ]
# make a new menu
Set Variable [ $menu ; Value: MBS( "Menu.CreateMenu") ]
# loop over records
Go to Record/Request/Page [ First ]
# if group matches
If [ REP Reports::Group = $type ]
# add new menu item with title from table
Set Variable [ $item ; Value: MBS( "MenuItem.CreateMenuItem"; REP Reports::LabelReport) ]
# define which script to call if menu item is selected
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "MenuItem.SetScriptAction"; $item; Get(FileName); REP Reports::Script ) ]
# add item to menu
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Menu.AddItem"; $menu; $item ) ]
End If
# next record?
Go to Record/Request/Page [ Next ; Exit after last ]
End Loop
# switch layout back
Go to Layout [ original layout ]
# Show menu
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Menu.PopUp"; $menu; "mouse") ]
# Cleanup memory
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Menu.Release"; $menu) ]
Show menu and show selection:
Set Variable [$menu; Value:MBS("Menu.CreateMenu")]
# create menu items...
Set Variable [$item; Value:MBS("MenuItem.CreateMenuItem"; "Hello World")]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("MenuItem.SetTag"; $item; "secret value")]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Menu.AddItem"; $menu; $item)]
#show menu
Set Variable [$m; Value:MBS("Menu.PopUp"; $Menu; "mouse")]
#you selected something?
If [$m = 1]
Set Variable [$selectedItem; Value:MBS("Menu.SelectedItem"; $menu)]
Set Variable [$selectedTitle; Value:MBS("MenuItem.GetTitle"; $selectedItem)]
Set Variable [$selectedTag; Value:MBS("MenuItem.GetTag"; $selectedItem)]
Show Custom Dialog ["Auswahl"; $selectedItem & ¶ & $selectedTitle & ¶ & $selectedTag]
End If
Set Variable [$m; Value:MBS("Menu.Release"; $Menu; 1)]
Choose from menu with one Let statement:
// show menu with one let statement
Let ( [
// some list of menu entries
valuelist = "xxx¶yyy¶zzz" ;
// create menu from definition
menu = MBS ( "Menu.DefineQuickMenu"; "x" ; valuelist ) ;
// show menu near mouse
result = MBS ( "Menu.popup" ; menu ; "mouse" ) ;
// query selected item number
item = IF ( result = 1 ; MBS("Menu.SelectedItem"; menu) ) ;
// query title for that item
title = IF ( Length ( item > 0 ) ; MBS ( "MenuItem.GetTitle" ; item ) ) ;
// release memory
r = MBS ( "Menu.Release"; menu ) ] ;
// return the selected title
title )
Run menu at logo object:
MBS("Menu.PopUp"; $Menu; "object"; 0; 0; Get(WindowName); ""; "logo")
See also
- EventMonitor.LastMouseClickButton
- Menu.AddItem
- Menu.CreateMenu
- Menu.DefineQuickMenu
- Menu.SelectedItem
- MenuItem.CreateMenuItem
- MenuItem.GetTag
- MenuItem.GetTitle
- MenuItem.SetScriptAction
- MenuItem.SetTag
Release notes
- Version 8.3
- Added new modes content and object for Menu.PopUp.
- Fixed window mode for Menu.PopUp function.
Example Databases
Blog Entries
- Seven things to add to your FileMaker solution today with MBS Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.3pr2
- Evaluate vs. Script Trigger
- Tip of the day: Build contextual menu in FileMaker from a table
- QuickMenu function
- MBS Filemaker Plugin, version 4.1pr4
FileMaker Magazin
This function checks for a license.
Created 18th August 2014, last changed 15th April 2023