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Replaces patterns.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
RegEx 7.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "RegEx.ReplaceAll"; Text; Pattern; Rewrite { ; Options } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
Text The text to use. "hello world"
Pattern The pattern to use. "l+"
Rewrite The output pattern. "\1\1"
Options The PCRE options.
Can be given as text or number.
0 Optional


Returns new text or error.


Replaces patterns.
You can replace the all occurrences of pattern in text with rewrite pattern. Within rewrite pattern, backslash-escaped digits (\1 to \9) can be used to insert text matching corresponding parenthesized group from the pattern. \0 in rewrite refers to the entire matching text.

Replacements are not subject to re-matching.


Replace all:

MBS( "RegEx.ReplaceAll"; "yabba dabba doo"; "b+"; "d" )

Example result: "yadda dadda doo"

Replace all greedy:

MBS( "RegEx.ReplaceAll"; "yabba dabba doo"; "b+"; "d"; "greedy" )

Example result: "yada dada doo"

Replace links with html:

MBS( "RegEx.ReplaceAll"; "This is a link to the Monkeybread Software site: where Filemaker solutions can be found."; "(https?://[\w./]+)"; "<a href=\"\1\">\1</a>"; "caseless¶greedy" )

Example result: This is a link to the Monkeybread Software site: <a href=""></a> where Filemaker solutions can be found.

Replace all σ with ς in greek texts:

MBS( "RegEx.ReplaceAll"; "Ιωαννησ testσ testσ"; "([\p{Greek}\p{Latin}]+)σ(\W*)"; "\1ς\2" )

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 17th October 2017, last changed 23th July 2018

RegEx.Replace - RegEx.Results