Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
Creates a new command.
Component | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
SQL | 2.6 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
Parameter | Description | Example | Flags |
Connection | The command reference number gained with SQL.NewConnection. | $Connection | |
Command | This represents command text string (an SQL statement or a stored procedure name). If it is empty string, no command text is associated with the command, and you have to call SQL.SetCommandText method later. | "SELECT * FROM Test" | Optional |
CommandType | Type of a command. Can be CmdSQLStmt, CmdSQLStmtRaw or CmdStoredProc. | "CmdSQLStmt" | Optional |
ID | The ID to use instead of default one. Must be unique. If none is provided, the plugin will create one. |
Optional |
Returns command reference number or error message.
Creates a new command.Don't forget to free command with SQL.FreeCommand.
SQL command reference numbers are starting at 23000 and counting up for each new command.
For server scripting, please use one connection for each script running on server, so multiple scripts running at the same data don't access the same connection or command objects in memory. And each connection has its own transaction and error state.
Creates a new command to create table:
MBS("SQL.NewCommand"; $Connection; "CREATE TABLE Test(FirstName VARCHAR, LastName VARCHAR, Birthday date, NumberOfOrders integer, TotalSales double)")
Run a stored procedure:
# new command for calling our test procedure on a Microsoft SQL Server
Set Variable [$command; MBS( "SQL.NewCommand"; $Connection; "dbo.Test" ) ]
# set a parameter
Set Variable [$r; MBS( "SQL.SetParamAsNumber"; $Command; "Param1"; 7 ) ]
# execute query
Set Variable [$r; MBS( "SQL.Execute"; $Command ) ]
# fetch first record
Set Variable [$r; MBS( "SQL.FetchNext"; $Command ) ]
# get result field
Set Variable [$result; MBS( "SQL.GetFieldAsText"; $Command; 1 ) ]
New command with named parameters:
MBS("SQL.NewCommand"; $Connection; "update Documents set ProductNumber=:ProductNumber, PubOptionNo=:PubOptionNo, DueInStock=:DueInStock, ProductTypeID=:ProductTypeID where DocID=:DocID“ )
Call stored procedure sys.sp_setapprole via ODBC connection to Microsoft SQL Server:
# connect via SQL to a Microsoft SQL Server
Set Variable [ $$Connection ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.NewConnection" ) ]
Set Variable [ $SetToODBC ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.SetClient" ; $$Connection ; "ODBC" ) ]
Set Variable [ $ConnectResult ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.Connect" ; $$Connection ; "connection string" ; "user" ; "password" ; "ODBC" ) ]
If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ]
# make a new command for the stored procedure
Set Variable [ $StoredProcedure ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.NewCommand" ; $$Connection ; "sys.sp_setapprole" ) ]
If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ]
# for debugging query list of parameters
Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: MBS( "SQL.GetParamNameList"; $StoredProcedure) ]
# set parameters
Set Variable [ $RoleName ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.SetParamAsText" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@rolename" ; "xxx" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Password ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.SetParamAsText" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@password" ; "yyy" ) ]
Set Variable [ $Cookie ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.SetParamAsBoolean" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@fCreateCookie" ; 1) ]
Set Variable [ $Encrypt ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.SetParamAsText" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@encrypt"; "none") ]
Set Variable [ $Execute ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.Execute" ; $StoredProcedure ) ]
// #
If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ]
# query results on success
Set Variable [ $ReturnValue ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.GetParamAsNumber" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@RETURN_VALUE" ) ]
Set Variable [ $cookie ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.GetParamAsText" ; $StoredProcedure ; "@cookie" ) ]
End If
Set Variable [ $FreeStoredProcedure ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.FreeCommand" ; $StoredProcedure ) ]
End If
Set Variable [ $FreeConnection ; Value: MBS ( "SQL.FreeConnection" ; $$Connection ) ]
End If
Query with Let statement:
Let ( [
command = MBS("SQL.NewCommand"; 22001; "SELECT sqlite_version();");
status = MBS("SQL.Execute"; command);
result = MBS("SQL.GetRecordsAsText"; command);
freed = MBS("SQL.FreeCommand"; Command)
]; result)
Use INSERT and SELECT to get new ID of new record for Microsoft SQL Server:
MBS("SQL.NewCommand"; $Connection; "insert into TestTable (TZKONZ,TZFIRM,TZIDEN,TZBEZ1) values ('a','b',1234,'Tralala'); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();")
See also
- SQL.FreeCommand
- SQL.isExecuted
- SQL.isOpened
- SQL.SetParamAsTime
- SQL.SetParamNull
- SQL.SetParamOption
- SQL.SetParamsWithJSON
- SQL.SetParamUnknown
- SQL.SetParamValue
- SQL.SetParamValues
Example Databases
- SQL to other databases/Firebird Query
- SQL to other databases/Microsoft Access Execute
- SQL to other databases/Microsoft SQL Server Connect
- SQL to other databases/Microsoft SQL Server Query
- SQL to other databases/MySQL example
- SQL to other databases/MySQL Query
- SQL to other databases/ODBC to FIleMaker/ODBC Test
- SQL to other databases/SQL Export
- SQL to other databases/SQLite blob
- Third Party/FileMaker Snippet Storage
Blog Entries
- Insert and return new record ID
- Moving data from ODBC to FileMaker via script
- Transactions with SQL functions
- Connect to an external database server in FileMaker
- Can FileMaker connect to a Microsoft Access database?
- MBS FileMaker Plugin IDs
- Tip of the day: Connect to MySQL and run a query
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 6.4pr7
- MBS Filemaker Plugin, version 3.0pr4
FileMaker Magazin
This function checks for a license.
Created 18th August 2014, last changed 23th September 2021