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Evaluates an expression at a given point in time.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Schedule 5.2 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes
MBS( "Schedule.EvaluateAtTime"; Hours; Minutes; Seconds; Expression { ; ScriptFileName; ScriptName; RepeatHour; RepeatMinute; RepeatSecond } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
Hours The hour of the day at which to call the script. 12
Minutes The minute of the day at which to call the script. 10
Seconds The seconds of the day at which to call the script. 0
Expression The expression to evaluate. "Get(CurrentTimeStamp)"
ScriptFileName The name of the file that contains the script to be run. Get(Filename) Optional
ScriptName The exact name of the script to run. "TestScript" Optional
RepeatHour The number of hours to wait between script calls. 1 Optional
RepeatMinute The number of minutes to wait between script calls. 0 Optional
RepeatSecond The number of seconds to wait between script calls. 0 Optional


Returns reference number or error.


Evaluates an expression at a given point in time.
Optional, we can start a script with the result of the query.
Please use Schedule.Release later to remove schedule from list. Non repeating scheduled items are free automatically for you.
You define the timestamp with hours, minutes and seconds parameter at which to call the script. Plugin checks regularly if time stamp is reaches and calls as soon as current time is greater or equal the given timestamp. So calls can be delayed if FileMaker is busy!
Our plugin does not provide persistence. You need to schedule things in your scripts if you need them. When FileMaker quits, the plugin forgets the list of schedules.

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 21st May 2015, last changed 21st May 2015

Schedule.EvaluateAfterDelay - Schedule.EvaluateAtTimeStamp