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Writes comments to an area of cells.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
XL 8.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "XL.Sheet.CellWriteComments"; bookRef; sheetIndex; First row; Last row; First column; Last column; Values { ; Row Delimiter; Column Delimiter } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
bookRef The reference to the workbook. Please use XL.LoadBook to load a file. $ref
sheetIndex The index of the sheet. This number ranges from 0 to XL.Book.SheetCount-1. 0
First row The first row to process. First row has index 0. 3
Last row The last row to process. First row has index 0. 6
First column The first column to process. First column has index 0. 2
Last column The last column to process. First column has index 0. 4
Values The values to use.
Can be separated with row and column delimiter to give each row and column a different value.
But you can also use same value for all rows or for all columns.
Row Delimiter The row delimiter for the result.
Default is new line character.
"¶" Optional
Column Delimiter The column delimiter for the result.
Default is tab character.
char(9) Optional


Returns number of errors or error.


Writes comments to an area of cells.
You can write one value or multiple values to a given range of cells.
Returns number of errors occurred, so on success you get back zero.

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 15th January 2018, last changed 29th January 2023

XL.Sheet.CellWriteComment - XL.Sheet.CellWriteDate