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Queries the description of the model.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
CoreML 7.4 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes, on macOS ✅ Yes
MBS( "CoreML.Description"; CoreMLRef )   More


Parameter Description Example
CoreMLRef The reference number to the model. $Model


Returns JSON or error.


Queries the description of the model.
This is returned as a JSON block.
Common keys include predictedFeatureName, predictedProbabilitiesName, metadata, inputDescriptionsByName and outputDescriptionsByName.

Added isUpdatable key in v10.0 to indicate whether model can be updated.
Includes trainingInputDescriptionsByName and parameterDescriptionsByKey For MacOS 10.15 to provide details on training input and parameters.


Query description:

Set Field [ CoreML::Model Description ; MBS("CoreML.Description"; $$ML) ]

Example result:
{ "predictedProbabilitiesName" : "classLabelProbs", "predictedFeatureName" : "classLabel", "inputDescriptionsByName" : { "image" : { "optional" : false, "type" : "Image", "imageConstraint" : { "pixelsWide" : 224, "pixelFormatTypeName" : "32BGRA", "pixelFormatType" : 1111970369, "pixelFormatTypeDescription" : "32 bit BGRA", "pixelsHigh" : 224 }, "name" : "image" } }, "outputDescriptionsByName" : { "classLabel" : { "optional" : false, "type" : "String", "name" : "classLabel" }, "classLabelProbs" : { "optional" : false, "dictionaryConstraint" : { "keyType" : "String" }, "type" : "Dictionary", "name" : "classLabelProbs" } }, "metadata" : { "MLModelVersionStringKey" : "", "MLModelDescriptionKey" : "Detects the dominant objects present in an image from a set of 1000 categories such as trees, animals, food, vehicles, person etc. The top-5 error from the original publication is 7.8%.", "MLModelCreatorDefinedKey" : { }, "MLModelAuthorKey" : "Original Paper: Kaiming He and Xiangyu Zhang and Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun. Keras Implementation: François Chollet", "MLModelLicenseKey" : "MIT License. More information available at https:\/\/\/fchollet\/keras\/blob\/master\/LICENSE" } }

Load model to get description:

Set Variable [ $model ; Value: MBS( "CoreML.OpenModel"; "/Users/cs/Desktop/UpdatableDrawingClassifier.mlmodelc" ) ]
Set Field [ test::ModelDescription ; MBS( "CoreML.Description"; $model ) ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "CoreML.Release"; $model ) ]

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 16th September 2017, last changed 16th December 2019

CoreML.CompileModel - CoreML.GetUsesCPUOnly