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Finds the file or folder for the given NodeID on the given volume.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Files 3.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No ✅ Yes, on macOS and Windows ❌ No
MBS( "Files.GetPathFromNodeID"; VolumePath; NodeID )   More


Parameter Description Example
VolumePath The native path to the volume. "/"
NodeID The node ID for the file, a number. $nodeID


Returns the path for the file or error message.


Finds the file or folder for the given NodeID on the given volume.
You need to pass the path to the volume where this NodeID belongs to.
This does not work well for most network mounts.
The plugin may run a search which can take a while.

Added Windows support in plugin version 8.5.


Resolve node on system volume:

MBS( "Files.GetPathFromNodeID"; "/"; $NodeID )

Resolve node on mounted volume named USBStick:

MBS( "Files.GetPathFromNodeID"; "/Volumes/USBStick"; $NodeID )

Test ID functions:

Set Variable [ $path ; Value: "/Users/cs/Desktop/test.rtf" ]
Set Variable [ $id ; Value: MBS( "Files.GetNodeID"; $Path ) ]
Set Variable [ $NewPath ; Value: MBS( "Files.GetPathFromNodeID"; "/"; $id ) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Both Paths should be same" ; $Path & ¶ & $newPath ]

Test on Windows:

Set Variable [ $node ; Value: MBS( "Files.GetNodeID"; "C:\Users\Christian\Desktop\DbgView.exe") ]
Set Variable [ $path ; Value: MBS( "Files.GetPathFromNodeID"; "C:"; $node) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "NodeID" ; $node & ¶ & $path ]

See also

Release notes

Example Databases

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 18th August 2014, last changed 25th October 2018

Files.GetNodeID - Files.GetPosixPermissions