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Loads the JavaScriptCore library.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
JavaScriptWebKit 13.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "JavaScript.LoadLibrary"; Path )   More


Parameter Description Example
Path The native file path to the library. "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/"


Returns OK or error.


Loads the JavaScriptCore library.
Does nothing on macOS or iOS since we use the library provided by Apple with the operation system.

You can load JavaScriptCore.dll on Windows here.
Make sure all dependencies are honored and you may use Dependency Walker application to look for dependencies.

You can load on Linux here.
e.g. "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/" for Linux 64-bit on ARM.
On Linux you need to install a package which includes JavaScriptCore library, e.g. using “sudo apt-get install libjavascriptcoregtk-4.1” command.

Returns OK on success and an error message otherwise.

If you have trouble with DLLs not loading on Windows, please check if you have new Visual Studio Runtime libraries installed. If you need more than one DLL, please use Process.SetDllDirectory to point to the folder to find the DLL files.


Load library on Linux:

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("JavaScript.LoadLibrary"; "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/") ]

Load library on Windows:

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "Process.SetDllDirectory"; "C:\Users\cs\Desktop\test") ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "JavaScript.LoadLibrary"; "JavaScriptCore.DLL") ]

Load library on Windows with iTunes:

Set Variable [$r; Value: MBS( "Process.SetDllDirectory"; "C:\Program Files\iTunes") ]
Set Variable [$r; Value: MBS( "JavaScript.LoadLibrary"; "JavaScriptCore.dll") ]

See also

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function checks for a license.

Created 25th January 2023, last changed 19th March 2024

JavaScript.List - JavaScript.New