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Component: DragDrop
Accept Drag&Drop of files, text, pictures, URLs or Emails.
This is Drag & Drop in FileMaker Pro on macOS or Windows.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
2.4 / 15.0 | ✅ 96% | ✅ 81% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Item | Details |
DragDrop.AttachToOverlay Attaches a new drop area to the overlay. | Mac/Win 14.3 |
DragDrop.AttachToWindow Attaches a new drop area to the window. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
DragDrop.ClearDragActionHandler Clears the name for the drag action handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.ClearDragEnterHandler Clears the name for the drag enter handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.ClearDragExitHandler Clears the name for the drag exit handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.CreateWithControl Creates a new drop area on the given window covering the area of the given control. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.CreateWithSize Creates a new drop area inside the window with the given rectangle. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.CreateWithWindow Deprecated Creates a new drop area which covers the whole window. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetAutoResizingMask Queries auto resizing mask. | Mac only 9.1 |
DragDrop.GetEmailAccount Returns account name of the specified email message. | Mac only 2.7 |
DragDrop.GetEmailCount Returns number of emails received from Apple Mail app. | Mac only 2.7 |
DragDrop.GetEmailID Returns subject of the specified email message. | Mac only 2.7 |
DragDrop.GetEmailMailbox Returns mailbox name of the specified email message. | Mac only 2.7 |
DragDrop.GetEmailSubject Returns subject of the specified email message. | Mac only 2.7 |
DragDrop.GetFileDescriptor Queries file descriptor. | Win only 8.1 |
DragDrop.GetFileDescriptorCount Queries number of file descriptors. | Win only 8.1 |
DragDrop.GetFilePathsToDrag Queries list of files to drag. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
DragDrop.GetHTML Queries styled text from drag as HTML. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
DragDrop.GetHeight Queries current height of drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.GetLeft Queries current position of the drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.GetMouseX Queries the native mouse position where the item was dropped. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetMouseY Queries the native mouse position where the item was dropped. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetPath Queries the native path of a file drop. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetPathCount Returns the number of file paths. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetPathList New in 15.0 Queries the list of file paths. | Mac/Win 15.0 |
DragDrop.GetPicture Queries picture from drag and drop action. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.GetRTF Queries styled text from clipboard as RTF. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
DragDrop.GetSVG Queries SVG data. | Mac/Win 10.3 |
DragDrop.GetTag Queries the tag string for this dropview. | Mac/Win 3.3 |
DragDrop.GetText Queries text from the drop. | Mac/Win 2.6 |
DragDrop.GetTop Queries current position of the drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.GetTypes Queries list of types. | Mac/Win 4.3 |
DragDrop.GetURL Queries URL from the drop. | Mac only 2.6 |
DragDrop.GetVisible Queries current visibility state. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.GetWidth Queries current width of the drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.GetWindowRef Queries the window where this drop view is located. | Mac/Win 3.3 |
DragDrop.List Queries list of all currently active drop areas. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.RegisterDropTypes Defines what file types should be accepted for drag and drop for this window. | Mac only 2.4 |
DragDrop.Release Releases the drop area and reclaims memory. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.ReleaseAll A convenience method to release all drop areas. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetAutoResizingMask Sets the auto resizing mask. | Mac only 9.1 |
DragDrop.SetCursor Sets the cursor mode. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetDragActionHandler Sets the drag action handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetDragEnterHandler Sets the drag enter handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetDragExitHandler Sets the drag exit handler. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetDragImage Sets the image to use for dragging. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
DragDrop.SetFilePathsToDrag Sets file path list for drag. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
DragDrop.SetFrame Sets a new frame for the drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.SetFrameWithControl Repositions drop area to given control. | Mac/Win 8.5 |
DragDrop.SetImage Sets the image to be shown in the drop area. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
DragDrop.SetTag Sets the tag string for this drop view. | Mac/Win 3.3 |
DragDrop.SetVisible Hides or shows the drop area. | Mac/Win 4.0 |
DragDrop.UnregisterDropTypes Unregisteres all drag types for the specified drop area. | Mac only 2.4 |
53 functions shown.
These functions require a license (57%).
Release notes
- Version 15.0
- Added DragDrop.GetPathList function.
- Fixed a timing problem with DragDrop functions for macOS where not all paths arrived when you had a lot of files.
- Version 14.3
- Added DragDrop.AttachToOverlay function to accept drops on an overlay.
- Version 12.5
- Fixed problem with DragDrop.GetFileDescriptor not working in v12.4.
- Version 12.4
- Fixed a problem in DragDrop functions on Windows crashing if used with text dropping.
- Version 11.2
- Deprecated DragDrop.CreateWithWindow in favor of DragDrop.AttachToWindow function.
- Version 11.1
- Changed DragDrop.RegisterDropTypes to use a better set of image pasteboard types to catch HEIF, too.
- Fixed an issue where DragDrop.CreateWithControl and similar function would not position correctly if Dock is on the left side of the screen.
- Fixed DragDrop.CreateWithControl to accept DX/DY on macOS, too.
- Version 11.0
- Added DragDrop.AttachToWindow function to allow drop to whole window on Windows.
- Added DragDrop.GetFilePathsToDrag, DragDrop.SetDragImage and DragDrop.SetFilePathsToDrag functions to allow drag from Drag & Drop control..
- Changed DragDrop.CreateWithControl, DragDrop.CreateWithSize, DragDrop.CreateWithWindow to return an error if the control can't be created properly.
- Improved image drawing for Windows DragDrop functions, so the control looks better.
- Version 10.5
- Improved DragDrop functions for Windows to better draw transparent control. Changes of underlaying controls may look through, but not update live.
- Version 10.3
- Added DragDrop.GetPicture for Windows to get PNG, JPEG and GIF from drop.
- Added DragDrop.GetSVG function.
- Added DragDrop.GetTypes for Windows to get list of types.
- Deprecated DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithControl, DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithSize, TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithControl, TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithSize and WebView.CreateOnPopover functions.
- Rewrote also DragDrop.SetFrame, ImageView.SetFrame, MapView.SetFrame and TextView.SetFrame.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.AddView, DragDrop.CreateWithControl, ImageView.CreateWithControl, MapView.CreateWithControl, TextView.CreateWithControl, WebView.CreateWithControl.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.SetFrameWithControl, DragDrop.SetFrameWithControl, ImageView.SetFrameWithControl, MapView.SetFrameWithControl TextView.SetFrameWithControl, WebView.SetFrameWithControl.
Blog Entries
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - 25 Ways to Improve Your Database Using the FileMaker MonkeyBread Plug-in - Day 1
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 15.0pr9
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - The FileMaker MonkeyBread Plug-in - 14.3 Update with Christian Schmitz
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - Integrate FileMaker MBS features in a Database
- Ways to import images to FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, June 2021 News
- Combined Components with MBS FileMaker Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.3 - More than 6200 Functions In One Plugin
- Combine MBS functions to automate processes in FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin v8.1 with 5100 Functions In One Plugin
FileMaker Magazin
Example Databases
- Drag and Drop/DragTest Popover
- Drag and Drop/DragTest
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/DragTest Email
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/DragTest Image
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/DragTest multiple picture files
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/DragTest Text
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/DragTest URL
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/Image drag from one database to other/Image drop
- Drag and Drop/for Mac/Text drag from one database to other/Text drag
- Mac and iOS/PDFKit/PDF Merge Shrink Tool