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Component: ImageCapture
Scan images from flatbet scanners on Mac.
Using the ImageKit framework from Apple to talk to flatbed or document feeder scanner.
See WIA functions for Windows or older TWAIN functions.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
6.4 / 10.4 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Item | Details |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Close Closes the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetCancelButtonLabel Queries the caption of the cancel button. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetDisplaysLocalCameras Queries whether to include local cameras in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetDisplaysLocalScanners Queries whether to include local scanners in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetDisplaysNetworkCameras Queries whether to include network cameras in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetDisplaysNetworkScanners Queries whether to include network scanners in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetHeight Queries height of dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetMode Queries display mode. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetPrompt Queries the current prompt text. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetSelectButtonLabel Queries the caption of the select button. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetWidth Queries the width of the dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.GetWindowTitle Queries the window title. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Hide Hides the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Reset Resets options to default. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SelectedDeviceID Queries ID of selected device. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SelectedDeviceName Queries name of selected device. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetCancelButtonLabel Sets the caption of the cancel button. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetDisplaysLocalCameras Sets whether to include local cameras in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetDisplaysLocalScanners Sets whether to include local scanners in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetDisplaysNetworkCameras Sets whether to include network cameras in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetDisplaysNetworkScanners Sets whether to include network scanners in list. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetHeight Sets the height of the dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetMode Sets the display mode. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetPrompt Sets prompt text. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetSelectButtonLabel Sets the caption of the select button. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetTrigger Sets the script trigger to notify on events. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetWidth Sets the width of the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.SetWindowTitle Sets window title. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Show Shows the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Visible Queries whether window is visible. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.ClearImage Clears all images. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.Close Closes the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetCombine Queries the combine flag. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetDocumentName Queries the document name. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetDownloadsDirectory Queries download folder. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetHeight Queries height of dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetMode Queries mode of the scanner interface. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetOverviewControlLabel Queries the label for the 'Overview' control. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetScanControlLabel Queries the label for the 'Scan' control. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetScannerDeviceID Queries ID of current scanner device. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetScannerDeviceName Queries name of current scanner device. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetWidth Queries the width of the dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.GetWindowTitle Queries the window title. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.Hide Hides the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.ImageCount Queries number of images in queue. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.NextImage Queries path of next image. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.Reset Resets options to default. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetCloseTrigger Sets a close trigger. | Mac only 8.1 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetCombine Sets the combine flag. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetDocumentName Set the document name. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetDownloadsDirectory Sets the download directory. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetHeight Sets the height of the dialog. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetMode Sets mode of the scanner interface. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetOverviewControlLabel Sets the label for the 'Overview' control. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetScanControlLabel Sets the label for the 'Scan' control. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetScannerDeviceID Selects scanner by ID. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetScannerDeviceName Selects scanner by name. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetTrigger Sets the trigger to notify when new picture arrives. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetWidth Sets the width of the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.SetWindowTitle Sets window title. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.Show Shows the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
IKScannerDevicePanel.Visible Queries whether window is visible. | Mac only 6.5 |
ImageCapture.CameraInfo Queries a value of current camera. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.CloseDevice Requests to close a previously opened session on this device. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.Contents Contents of the camera. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.DeviceInfo Queries information about device. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.Devices Queries list of devices. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.DevicesJSON Queries list of devices as JSON. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.Download Downloads a file from device. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.Features Queries list of features. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.GetFeatureValue Queries scanner vendor feature value. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.GetFeatures Queries scanner vendor features with values as JSON. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.GetParameter Queries a parameter of current scanner functional unit. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.GetParameters Queries all parameter of current scanner functional unit as JSON. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.ImagePaths Queries list of image files. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.Initialize Initializes Image Capture engine. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.MediaFilenames Queries file names list. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.MediaFiles Queries all image, movie and audio files on the camera. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.OpenDevice Requests to open a session on the device. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.PDF Creates a PDF with all scanned documents. | Mac only 9.1 |
ImageCapture.PreferredDevice Returns UUID for preferred device. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.RequestDeleteFiles Deletes files. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.RequestDisableTethering Disables tethering. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.RequestEnableTethering Enable tethering. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.RequestOverviewScan Starts an overview scan on selectedFunctionalUnit. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.RequestScan Starts a scan on selectedFunctionalUnit. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.RequestSelectFunctionalUnit Requests the scanner device to select a functional unit. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.RequestSyncClock Synchronizes camera clock. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.RequestTakePicture Capture a new image using the camera. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.SetFeatureValue Sets a vendor scanner feature value. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.SetItemsAddedScript Sets script to call when new picture is added. | Mac only 10.4 |
ImageCapture.SetParameter Sets a parameter for current scanner functional device. | Mac only 6.4 |
ImageCapture.Thumbnail Queries thumbnail for a file if available. | Mac only 8.3 |
ImageCapture.cancelScan Cancels current scan. | Mac only 6.4 |
94 functions shown.
These functions require a license (57%).
Release notes
- Version 14.1
- Improved ImageCapture functions to connect scan dialogs with other functions. This allows you to set parameters without the GUI.
- Version 13.5
- Improved IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Show and IKScannerDevicePanel.Show functions to internally call ImageCapture.Initialize if needed.
- Version 10.5
- Added SystemSymbolName selector for ImageCapture.DeviceInfo function.
- Version 10.4
- Added ImageCapture.SetItemsAddedScript function.
- Version 10.1
- Removed check from ImageCapture.RequestScan to check for open session.
- Version 10.0
- Changed ImageCapture.Devices to filter duplicates.
- Changed ImageCapture.GetParameter and ImageCapture.SetParameter to return an error if you try to set parameter of a functional unit, but none is selected.
- Increased timeouts for ImageCapture functions.
- Version 9.1
- Added ImageCapture.PDF function to return PDF document for scanned documents.
- Version 8.5
- Added timeouts for ImageCapture functions so the plugin doesn't wait endless. 30s for opening session, 20s for closing, 30s to select unit, 60s to scan.
- Changed ImageCapture.RequestSelectFunctionalUnit to return error directly if you request an unavailable functional unit.
- Improved ImageCapture.RequestSelectFunctionalUnit to better track which unit is selected and skip the request if the device is already selected.
- Version 8.4
- Added alternateNames entry to ImageCapture.DevicesJSON to list alternate names we found.
- Changed ImageCapture.OpenDevice and ImageCapture.CloseDevice to only request closing of the current session, if there is one open to avoid freeze.
Blog Entries
- MBS @ FMTraining.TV - Scanning in FileMaker with the MonkeyBread Plug-in
- Can FileMaker do that?
- Ways to import images to FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, June 2021 News
- Combined Components with MBS FileMaker Plugin
- What is new in the MBS FileMaker Plugin Version 10.4
- Import images from cameras on MacOS with FileMaker
- Combine MBS functions to automate processes in FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 released
- Import images from cameras on MacOS with FileMaker