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Component: ImagePicker
A panel for iOS to select or take picture.
You can take a new picture via camera, record video or pick an existing picture.
See also PhotoPicker functions.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
7.3 / 13.2 | 🔶 9% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ 91% |
Item | Details |
ContinuityCamera.Clear Clears current result. | Mac only 9.2 |
ContinuityCamera.Import Asks iPhone camera to import a document or photo. | Mac only 9.2 |
ContinuityCamera.PopupMenu Shows the import from device popup menu. | Mac only 9.2 |
ContinuityCamera.Result Queries result. | Mac only 9.2 |
ContinuityCamera.SetScriptTrigger Sets the script to trigger. | Mac only 9.2 |
ImagePicker.AvailableCaptureModesForCameraDevice Queries list of available modes. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.AvailableMediaTypesForSourceType Returns an array of the available media types for the specified source type. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.ClearMedia Clears current media. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.ClearOverlay Clears an overlay image. | iOS 8.3 |
ImagePicker.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetAllowsEditing Gets whether editing is allowed. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraCaptureMode Queries the capture mode. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraDevice Queries camera device. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraFlashMode Queries flash mode. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetEvaluate Queries the evaluation to run when email composer is done. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetFileName Queries the file name of the script to run when email composer is done. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to run when email composer is done. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetShowsCameraControls Queries camera controls visibility. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetSourceType Gets the source type. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetVideoMaximumDuration Queries maximum duration. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.HasMedia Queries whether media exists. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsCameraDeviceAvailable Checks camera availability. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsFlashAvailableForCameraDevice Checks flash availability. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsPresented Checks whether panel is displayed. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsSourceTypeAvailable Check for source availability. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaCropRect Queries crop rectangle. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaEditedImage Queries the edited image. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaIsImage Queries whether media type is image. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaIsVideo Queries whether media type is video. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaMetadata Queries image metadata as JSON. | iOS 10.2 |
ImagePicker.MediaOriginalImage Queries the original image. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaPath Queries path for media. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaReferenceURL Queries reference URL for media. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaType Queries media type. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaTypes Queries media types. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaURL Queries URL for media. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.New Initializes the picker panel. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.Present Presents the picker view. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetAllowsEditing Sets whether editing is allowed. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraCaptureMode Sets the capture mode. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraDevice Sets camera device. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraFlashMode Sets flash mode. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetEvaluate Sets the expression to call when composer is done. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetMediaTypes Sets the list of media types to access. | iOS 13.2 |
ImagePicker.SetOverlayImage Installs an overlay image to the picker. | iOS 8.3 |
ImagePicker.SetScript Sets the script to call when picker is done. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetShowsCameraControls Sets camera controls visibility. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetSourceType Sets the source type. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetVideoMaximumDuration Sets maximum duration. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.StartVideoCapture Starts video capture. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.StopVideoCapture Stops video capture. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.TakePicture Captures a still image using the camera. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.VideoIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum Checks video. | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbum Adds a photo to the saved photos album (camera roll). | iOS 7.3 |
ImagePicker.WriteVideoToSavedPhotosAlbum Adds a video to the saved photos album. | iOS 7.3 |
55 functions shown.
Release notes
- Version 13.2
- Added ImagePicker.SetMediaTypes function.
- Version 10.3
- Changed ImagePicker.Present to center camera image if controls are disabled.
- Improved ImagePicker functions to avoid NSInternalInconsistencyException when presenting picker.
- Version 10.2
- Added ImagePicker.MediaMetadata function.
- Fixed ImagePicker.SetOverlayImage to have overlay work properly when rotating the device.
- Fixed problem with exception coming from ImagePicker.Present function.
- Version 9.2
- Added new ContinuityCamera functions for taking picture and scanning documents with iPhone or iPad to use on your Mac.
- Added withEXIF parameter to ImagePicker.MediaEditedImage and ImagePicker.MediaOriginalImage functions.
- Version 8.3
- Added ImagePicker.ClearOverlay and ImagePicker.SetOverlayImage functions.
Blog Entries
- PhotoPicker for iOS with FileMaker iOS SDK
- Ways to import images to FileMaker
- macOS Privacy and FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.3pr2
- Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.2
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.2 - More than 5800 Functions In One Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 released
- Overlay image for Image Picker
- 5000 Functions in MBS Plugin
- Image Picker for FileMaker iOS SDK apps with MBS Plugin