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Component: MapView
MapKit functions for MacOS to show maps.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
9.0 / 13.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | 🔶 6%, on macOS | ✅ 95% |
Item | Details | Server |
MapView.AddCircle Adds a circle overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.AddPin Deprecated Adds a pin to the map. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.AddPinWithAddress Deprecated Adds a pin with querying an address. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.AddPoint Adds a point or pin to the map. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.AddPolygon Adds a polygon to the map. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.AddPolyline Adds a poly line to the map. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.Annotations Queries list of annotations. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.CoordinateForPoint Queries coordinate for a point. | Mac/iOS 11.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.CreateWithControl Creates a new map view on the given window covering the area of the given control. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.CreateWithSize Creates a new map view inside the window with the given rectangle. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.FormatDistance Formats a distance. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
✅ Server |
MapView.GetAnnotationCoordinate Queries the coordinate for the annotation (or overlay). | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetAnnotationDragImage Queries drag image used for an annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetAnnotationImage Queries current image used for an annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetAnnotationSelectedImage Queries selected image used for an annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetAutoResizingMask Queries auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetCenterCoordinateLatitude Queries latitude of coordinate. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetCenterCoordinateLongitude Queries latitude of coordinate. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetHeight Queries current height of image view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetLeft Queries current position of the image view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetMapType Queries map types. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetOverlayFillColor Queries fill color for an overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetOverlayLineWidth Queries line width for an overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetOverlayPoints Queries overlay points. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetOverlayStrokeColor Queries stroke color for an overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetPitchEnabled Queries pitch enabled state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRegion Queries current region visible. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRegionLatitude Queries latitude of current region. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRegionLatitudeSpan Queries latitude delta of current region. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRegionLongitude Queries longitude of current region. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRegionLongitudeSpan Queries longitude delta of current region. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetRotateEnabled Queries rotate enabled state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetScrollEnabled Queries scroll enabled state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsBuildings Queries building state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsCompass Queries compass state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsPointsOfInterest Queries whether points of interest show. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsScale Queries scale state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsTraffic Queries traffic visible state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsUserLocation Queries whether to show user location. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetShowsZoomControls Quries zoom controls state. | Mac only 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetTag Queries the tag string for this image view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetToolTip Queries tooltip text. | Mac only 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetTop Queries current position of the drop area. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetVisible Queries current visibility state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetVisibleMapRect Queries area currently displayed by the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetWidth Queries current width of the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetZoomEnabled Queries zoom allowed state. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.GetZoomLevel Queries current zoom level. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.IsUserLocationVisible Whether the device’s current location is visible in the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.List Lists all IDs of map view objects. | Mac/iOS 13.0 |
✅ Server |
MapView.MouseCoordinate Queries current coordinates for mouse cursor. | Mac only 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.Overlays Queries list of overlays. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.ParseDistance Parses distance string. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
✅ Server |
MapView.PlanRoute Plans a route. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
✅ Server |
MapView.PointForCoordinate Queries point for a coordinate. | Mac/iOS 11.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.Release Releases the map view and reclaims memory. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.ReleaseAll A convenience method to release all map views. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.RemoveAnnotation Removes an annotation from the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.RemoveAnnotations Removes all annotations. | Mac/iOS 9.1 |
❌ Server |
MapView.RemoveOverlay Removes an overlay from the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.RemoveOverlays Removes all overlays. | Mac/iOS 9.1 |
✅ Server |
MapView.Screenshot Renders screenshot of the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.3 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SelectedAnnotations Queries list of selected annotations. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetAnnotationCoordinate Sets the coordinate for the annotation (or overlay). | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetAnnotationDragImage Sets new drag image for annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetAnnotationImage Sets new image for annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetAnnotationSelectedImage Sets new selected image for annotation. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetAutoResizingMask Sets the auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetColor Sets color of a Pin. | Mac/iOS 9.4 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetCoordinate Sets center coordinate of the map. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetFrame Sets a new frame for the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetFrameWithControl Repositions map view to given control. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetMapType Sets the map type. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetOverlayFillColor Sets fill color for an overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetOverlayLineWidth Sets the line width to use to draw it. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetOverlayPoints Sets new overlay points. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetOverlayStrokeColor Sets stroke color for an overlay. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetPitchEnabled Enables or disables pitch. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetRegion Sets the current region. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetRotateEnabled Enables or disables rotation. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetScript Sets script trigger. | Mac/iOS 9.3 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetScrollEnabled Enables or disables scrolling. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsBuildings Shows or hides buildings. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsCompass Shows or hides compass. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsPointsOfInterest Shows or hides points of interest. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsScale Sets whether to show scale. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsTraffic Enables or disables traffic. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsUserLocation Sets whether to show user location. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetShowsZoomControls Shows or hides zoom controls. | Mac only 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetTag Sets the tag string for this map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetToolTip Sets tooltip for map view. | Mac only 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetVisible Hides or shows the map view. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetVisibleMapRect Sets visible map rectangle. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetZoomEnabled Enables or disables zoom. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.SetZoomLevel Sets zoom level. | Mac/iOS 9.5 |
❌ Server |
MapView.ShowAddress Shows an address. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
❌ Server |
MapView.ShowAllAnnotations Zooms map to show all annotations. | Mac/iOS 9.1 |
❌ Server |
MapView.Snapshot Creates a map snapshot. | Mac/iOS 9.0 |
✅ Server |
98 functions shown.
Release notes
- Version 14.4
- Improved MapView.PlanRoute function to use less memory.
- Version 13.0
- Added MapView.List function.
- Version 12.4
- Added Overlays parameter to MapView.ShowAllAnnotations function.
- Version 11.5
- Added MapView.CoordinateForPoint and MapView.PointForCoordinate functions.
- Version 10.3
- Rewrote also DragDrop.SetFrame, ImageView.SetFrame, MapView.SetFrame and TextView.SetFrame.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.AddView, DragDrop.CreateWithControl, ImageView.CreateWithControl, MapView.CreateWithControl, TextView.CreateWithControl, WebView.CreateWithControl.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.SetFrameWithControl, DragDrop.SetFrameWithControl, ImageView.SetFrameWithControl, MapView.SetFrameWithControl TextView.SetFrameWithControl, WebView.SetFrameWithControl.
- Version 9.5
- Added enabled, draggable and canShowCallout keys for MapView.AddPoint function.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationDragImage and MapView.SetAnnotationDragImage.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationImage, MapView.GetOverlayPoints, MapView.SetAnnotationImage and MapView.SetOverlayPoints functions.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationSelectedImage, MapView.SelectedAnnotations and MapView.SetAnnotationSelectedImage.
- Added MapView.GetOverlayFillColor, MapView.GetOverlayLineWidth, MapView.GetOverlayStrokeColor, MapView.SetOverlayFillColor, MapView.SetOverlayLineWidth and MapView.SetOverlayStrokeColor.
- Added MapView.GetZoomLevel and MapView.SetZoomLevel functions.
- Added MapView.MouseCoordinate function.
- Added strokeColor and fillColor properties for MapView.AddPolygon and MapView.AddPolyline functions.
- Changed MapView.AddPoint, so you can pass imageWidth or imageHeight or both.
- Changed MapView.CreateWithControl to make it a bit more tolerant in finding the area.
- Changed MapView.SetScript to get parameter with JSON!
- Fixed bug with MapView.ShowAddress zooming too close.
- Fixed MapView.AddCircle function, so MapView.Overlays reports the circles.
- Version 9.4
- Added MapView.AddCircle function.
- Added MapView.AddPoint, MapView.AddPolyline and MapView.AddPolygon functions.
- Added MapView.Annotations, MapView.Overlays, MapView.RemoveAnnotation, MapView.RemoveOverlay and MapView.SetAnnotationPinColor.
- Added MapView.SetAnnotationCoordinate and MapView.GetAnnotationCoordinate.
- Changed MapView.AddPin, MapView.AddPinWithAddress or MapView.ShowAddress to return identifier for new pin.
- Version 9.3
- Added identifier and color parameters for MapView.AddPin, MapView.AddPinWithAddress, MapView.PlanRoute and MapView.ShowAddress functions.
- Added MapView.Screenshot function.
- Added MapView.SetScript function.
- Fixed MapView.ShowAddress to correctly center on the found placemark instead of the region for that placemark.
- Version 9.2
- Added MapView.FormatDistance, MapView.ParseDistance and MapView.PlanRoute functions.
Blog Entries
- MBS FileMaker Advent calendar - Door 11 - Know Your Way
- MapKit functions in MBS Plugins
- New functions of the MBS Plugin Version 9.5
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 video
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 - More than 5900 Functions In One Plugin
- MapKit in FileMaker Screenshot
- More on MapViews in FileMaker
- Adding route planing for MapView in FileMaker
- Apple Maps in FileMaker on iOS
- New MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.0