Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
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Component: Text
Functions for working with text.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
2.1 / 15.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes |
Item | Details |
Text.AddLineNumbers Adds line numbers to text. | All 8.3 |
Text.AppendTextFile Appends a text file with the given text. | All 2.8 |
Text.CapitalCase Converts text to capital case letters. | All 5.1 |
Text.Character Creates a character with given number. | All 5.2 |
Text.Characters Returns the character codes. | All 5.2 |
Text.Code Queries the number of a character. | All 5.2 |
Text.Concat Creates a text with concatenating all the given parameters. | All 11.5 |
Text.ConcatWithDelimiter Creates a text with concatenating all the given parameters. | All 13.3 |
Text.ConvertFromTextEncoding Converts text from a text encoding. | All 9.4 |
Text.ConvertToTextEncoding Converts text into a text encoding. | All 9.4 |
Text.ConvertUnicodeToCharacterComposition Converts text by applying unicode character normalization. | All 5.2 |
Text.ConvertUnicodeToCharacterDecomposition Converts text by applying unicode character normalization. | All 5.2 |
Text.CountWords Counts words. | All 8.1 |
Text.DecodeBytesFromBase64 Decodes base64 string and encodes it as byte values. | All 3.0 |
Text.DecodeFromBase64 Decode a base 64 string. | All 3.0 |
Text.DecodeFromBase64URL Decode a base 64 URL string. | All 7.5 |
Text.DecodeFromBytes Decode a byte string. | All 3.0 |
Text.DecodeFromHTML Decodes html text. | All 2.4 |
Text.DecodeFromHex Decode a hex string. | All 2.4 |
Text.DecodeFromQuotedPrintable Decodes a string with quoted printable encoding. | All 4.3 |
Text.DecodeFromURL Decode an URL string. | All 2.6 |
Text.DecodeFromXML Decodes xml text. | All 4.3 |
Text.DecodeHexFromBase64 Decodes base64 string and encodes it as hex values. | All 3.0 |
Text.DecodeIMAPFolderName Decodes text from IMAP UTF-7. | All 9.2 |
Text.DecodeURLComponent Decodes an URL component. | All 3.1 |
Text.Deserialize Restores a styled text. | All 5.4 |
Text.EncodeBytesToBase64 Encodes string with byte values to base 64. | All 3.0 |
Text.EncodeEmailSubject Encodes an email subject. | All 4.3 |
Text.EncodeHexToBase64 Encodes hex string to base 64. | All 3.0 |
Text.EncodeToBase64 Encode a base64 string. | All 3.0 |
Text.EncodeToBase64URL Encode a base64 URL string. | All 7.5 |
Text.EncodeToBytes Encode a byte string. | All 3.0 |
Text.EncodeToHTML Encodes text as html. | All 2.4 |
Text.EncodeToHex Encode a hex string. | All 2.4 |
Text.EncodeToQuotedPrintable Returns a string with quoted printable characters. | All 4.3 |
Text.EncodeToURL Encode an URL string. | All 2.6 |
Text.EncodeToXML Encodes text as xml. | All 4.3 |
Text.EncodeURLComponent Encodes an URL component. | All 3.1 |
Text.FileExtensionToMimeType Finds a mime type for a file extension. | All 5.4 |
Text.FilterASCII Filters text to ASCII. | All 10.4 |
Text.FilterSwissQRCode Filters characters for Swiss QR code for payments. | All 14.5 |
Text.FilterUTF16 Filters text to UTF-16. | All 9.3 |
Text.FindBetween Searches text for text between the two search strings. | All 3.0 |
Text.FromStyles Creates styled text from JSON made with Text.Style. | All 11.3 |
Text.HTMLtoJSON Parses HTML and transforms to JSON. | All 14.4 |
Text.IdentifyData Checks file type from the data. | All 14.0 |
Text.InvalidCharactersForEncoding Looks for invalid characters for an encoding. | All 5.2 |
Text.JaroWinklerDistance Calculates the string distance. | All 2.9 |
Text.LeftTrim Trims whitespace on the left side. | All 14.2 |
Text.Length Query length of text. | All 7.2 |
Text.LevenshteinDistance Calculates the string distance. | All 2.9 |
Text.List Creates a list with all the given parameters. | All 11.5 |
Text.ListWords Split words and list them. | All 8.1 |
Text.LowerCase Converts text to lower case letters. | All 5.1 |
Text.MergeFields Merge field and variable names into text. | All 8.5 |
Text.MimeTypeToFileExtension Returns file extension for given mime type. | All 5.4 |
Text.RTFToText Parses RTF to styled text. | All 11.3 |
Text.ReadEMLXFile Reads email text from emlx file. | All 5.3 |
Text.ReadTextFile Reads a text file. | All 2.4 |
Text.ReadTextFromContainer Reads content of container value as text. | All 4.4 |
Text.RedefineEncoding Takes a text in a given encoding and reencodes it with other encoding. | All 5.2 |
Text.RemoveAccents Returns text without accents. | All 2.1 |
Text.RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitive Returns text without accents. | All 2.1 |
Text.RemoveControlCharacters Removes control characters. | All 5.1 |
Text.RemoveNewLine Removes newline characters from string. | All 2.4 |
Text.RemovePostfix Removes the postfix from text. | All 6.1 |
Text.RemovePrefix Removes the prefix from text. | All 6.1 |
Text.ReplaceAll Find & Replace all occurrences of a text. | All 7.3 |
Text.ReplaceNewline Replaces newline characters. | All 2.4 |
Text.Reverse Reverses the order of characters in the text. | All 12.1 |
Text.RightTrim Trims whitespace on the right side. | All 14.2 |
Text.Serialize Serializes styled text as text. | All 5.4 |
Text.SoundEx Returns soundex string for the given text. | All 2.1 |
Text.SoundExGerman Returns soundex string for the given text. | All 3.5 |
Text.SplitByLength New in 15.1 Split the text by length and returns a list. | All 15.1 |
Text.Styles Queries style information as JSON. | All 9.3 |
Text.TextToHTML Creates HTML text for a given FileMaker formatted styled text. | All 4.3 |
Text.TextToRTF Creates RTF text for a given FileMaker formatted styled text. | All 2.4 |
Text.Tidy Performs tidy on XML or HTML. | All 14.4 |
Text.TidyErrorLog Queries the error log for the last call to the Text.Tidy function. | All 14.4 |
Text.Trim Trims whitespace on the left and right side. | All 8.2 |
Text.UpperCase Converts text to upper case letters. | All 5.1 |
Text.WriteTextFile Writes a text file with the given text. | All 2.4 |
Text.WriteToContainer Write a text as a FILE in a container. | All 4.4 |
84 functions shown.
These functions require a license (68%).
Release notes
- Version 14.5
- Added Text.FilterSwissQRCode function.
- Updated unicode tables for removing accents for Text.RemoveAccents function.
- Version 14.4
- Added Text.Tidy and Text.TidyErrorLog functions to tidy XML and HTML.
- Added Text.HTMLtoJSON function.
- Version 14.2
- Added Text.LeftTrim and Text.RightTrim functions.
- Version 14.1
- Changed Text.TextToRTF function to use RTF parser from macOS/iOS and Windows for these platforms.
- Improved our RTF parser for Text.TextToRTF and Clipboard.GetStyledText function.
- Version 14.0
- Added Container.IdentifyData, Files.IdentifyData and Text.IdentifyData functions.
- Version 13.5
- Added highlight support for Text.TextToHTML function.
- Fixed error message for Text.FileExtensionToMimeType function.
- Version 13.3
- Added Text.ConcatWithDelimiter function.
- Fixed a problem with Text.ReadTextFile reporting an error for zero byte files.
- Version 13.1
- Added flag 32 for Text.TextToHTML function to use paragraphs.
- Version 12.2
- Changed Text.AppendTextFile, Text.WriteToContainer and Text.WriteTextFile to allow writing BOM character.
- Fixed a problem with high unicode character encodings for Text.TextToHTML function.
- Updated Text.FilterASCII, Text.RemoveAccents and Text.RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitive functions to recognize more characters like ½.
Blog Entries
- New in version 11.5 of MBS FileMaker Plugin
- Combine MBS functions to automate processes in FileMaker
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 5.4 for OS X/Windows
FileMaker Magazin
- Ausgabe 6/2024, Seite 38
- Ausgabe 6/2024, Seite 14 bis 15
- Ausgabe 6/2021, Seite 23
- Ausgabe 6/2021, Seite 21
- Ausgabe 2/2019, Seite 13 bis 14
- Ausgabe 6/2018, Seite 33
- Ausgabe 6/2018, Seite 30 bis 31
- Ausgabe 5/2018, Seite 29
- Ausgabe 5/2018, Seite 25
- Ausgabe 4/2016, Seite 18 bis 19
Example Databases
- CURL/Amazon S3/Amazon S3 Upload Picture
- CURL/WebServices/CURL FMS Admin API v18
- CURL/WebServices/Google Maps API/Google Maps API
- CURL/WebServices/magento older
- DynaPDF/Create PDF with sum form field
- Mac and iOS/Events/Events Create Event
- Shell/RunTask/Run Shell Script on Mac
- Text functions/HTML Conversion with UTF32
- WebViewer/WebViewer link targets
- XML/XML Import