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Component: TextView
Functions for an independent text field.
Our plugin can place an independent text view on the layout to show or edit text. Offers OS provided spell checking and RTF support.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
9.2 / 10.5 | ✅ Yes | ✅ 81% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ 95% |
Item | Details |
TextView.AppendStyledText Appends the styled text. | Mac/iOS 10.4 |
TextView.CanUndo Whether undo is possible currently. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.Copy Performs copy operation. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.CreateWithControl Creates a new text view on the given window covering the area of the given control. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.CreateWithSize Creates a new text view inside the window with the given rectangle. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.Cut Performs cut operation. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetAutoCorrectionEnabled Queries auto correction setting. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetAutoResizingMask Queries auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetHTMLText Queries HTML text. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetHeight Queries current height of text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetLeft Queries current position of the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetPlainText Queries plain text. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetRTF Queries RTF text. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetReadOnly Queries read only flag. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetRulerVisible Queries ruler visibility. | Mac only 9.2 |
TextView.GetSelectedHTMLText Queries HTML text. | Mac/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSelectedPlainText Queries plain text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSelectedRTF Queries RTF text. | Mac/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSelectedStyledText Queries styled text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSelectionLength Queries length of selection. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSelectionStart Queries start of selection. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.GetSpellCheckingEnabled Queries spell checking setting. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetStyled Queries styled flag. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetStyledText Queries styled text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.4 |
TextView.GetTag Queries the tag string for this text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetTop Queries current position of the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetVisible Queries current visibility state. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetWidth Queries current width of the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.GetWindowRef Queries the window where this text view is located. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.List Queries list of all currently active text views. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.Paste Performs paste operation. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.Release Releases the text view and reclaims memory. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.ReleaseAll A convenience method to release all text views. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetAutoCorrectionEnabled Sets auto correction setting. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetAutoResizingMask Sets the auto resizing mask. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetFocus Sets focus to the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetFrame Sets a new frame for the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetFrameWithControl Repositions text view to given control. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetHTMLText Sets text with HTML. | Mac/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetPlainText Sets the plain text. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetRTF Sets text with RTF. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetReadOnly Sets read only flag. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetRulerVisible Sets whether ruler is visible. | Mac only 9.2 |
TextView.SetSelectedHTMLText Sets text with HTML. | Mac/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelectedPlainText Sets the plain text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelectedRTF Sets text with RTF. | Mac/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelectedStyledText Sets the styled text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelection Sets selection. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelectionLength Sets selection length. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSelectionStart Sets selection start. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.5 |
TextView.SetSpellCheckingEnabled Sets the spell checking setting. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetStyled Sets styled flag. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetStyledText Sets the styled text. | Mac/Win/iOS 10.4 |
TextView.SetTag Sets the tag string for this text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.SetVisible Hides or shows the text view. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
TextView.ShowFontPanel Shows font panel. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
TextView.Undo Performs undo operation. | Mac/Win/iOS 9.2 |
57 functions shown.
These functions require a license (91%).
Release notes
- Version 11.3
- Implemented TextView.GetSelectedStyledText, TextView.SetSelectedStyledText, TextView.GetStyledText and TextView.SetStyledText for Windows.
- Version 10.5
- Added more TextView functions: TextView.GetSelectedStyledText, TextView.SetSelectedStyledText, TextView.GetSelectedHTMLText, TextView.SetSelectedHTMLText, TextView.GetSelectedRTF, TextView.SetSelectedRTF, TextView.GetSelectedPlainText, TextView.SetSelectedPlainText, TextView.GetSelectionStart, TextView.SetSelectionStart, TextView.GetSelectionLength, TextView.SetSelectionLength, and TextView.SetSelection.
- Changed TextView functions to disable syntax colorizing for them.
- Version 10.4
- Added TextView.GetStyledText, TextView.SetStyledText and TextView.AppendStyledText functions.
- Version 10.3
- Deprecated DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithControl, DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithSize, TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithControl, TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithSize and WebView.CreateOnPopover functions.
- Removed TextView.CreateWithWindow function.
- Rewrote also DragDrop.SetFrame, ImageView.SetFrame, MapView.SetFrame and TextView.SetFrame.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.AddView, DragDrop.CreateWithControl, ImageView.CreateWithControl, MapView.CreateWithControl, TextView.CreateWithControl, WebView.CreateWithControl.
- Rewrote control placement for MacOS and iOS controls for AVPlayer.SetFrameWithControl, DragDrop.SetFrameWithControl, ImageView.SetFrameWithControl, MapView.SetFrameWithControl TextView.SetFrameWithControl, WebView.SetFrameWithControl.
- Version 10.0
- Changed DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithControl and TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithControl to return error when popover is not found.
- Changed DragDrop.CreateWithControl, DragDrop.CreateOnPopoverWithControl, TextView.CreateWithControl, TextView.SetFrameWithControl and TextView.CreateOnPopoverWithControl to return error when control is not found.
- Version 9.2
- Added TextView functions to have our own text control for Mac, iOS and Windows.
Blog Entries
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, June 2021 News
- Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.5 - Über 6400 Funktionen in einem Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.5 - More than 6400 Functions In One Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.5pr5
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.5pr1
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.4 - More than 6300 Functions In One Plugin
- Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.2
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.2 - More than 5800 Functions In One Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.2pr3
FileMaker Magazin
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