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Component: UserNotification
Show user notifications on macOS 10.8 and Windows 8 or newer.
Added Windows notifications in plugin version 7.2.
For newer macOS development, please use UNNotification functions.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
2.8 / 10.5 | 🔶 74% | 🔶 26% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Item | Details |
UserNotification.ClearDidActivateNotificationScript Clears the name for the activate notification handler. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.ClearDidDeliverNotificationScript Clears the name for the deliver notification handler. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.ContentImage Queries image shown in the content of the notification. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.Create Creates a new user notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetActionButtonTitle Queries current action button title. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetActivationType Queries how the notification was activated. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetActualDeliveryDate Queries actual delivery date. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetDeliveryDate Queries the planned delivery date. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetDeliveryTimeZone Queries the time zone for this notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetDescription Queries description for debugging. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetIdentifier Queries the identifier used to uniquely identify a notification. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.GetInformativeText Queries the body text of the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetOtherButtonTitle Queries the other button's custom title. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetResponse Queries the response text. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.GetResponsePlaceholder Queries the optional placeholder for inline reply field. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.GetSoundName Queries sound name for notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetSubTitle Queries the current sub title of the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetTitle Queries current title of notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.GetUserInfo Queries application specific user info data. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.HasReplyButton Queries whether the notification has a reply button. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.Release Releases a notification reference. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.ReleaseAll Frees all user notification objects. | Mac only 10.5 |
UserNotification.SetActionButtonTitle Sets the title of the button displayed in the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetContentImage Sets image shown in the content of the notification. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.SetDeliveryDate Sets the delivery date. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetDeliveryTimeZone Set the time zone to interpret the delivery date in. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetDidActivateNotificationScript Sets the activation notification action handler. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetDidDeliverNotificationScript Sets the delivery notification action handler. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetHasActionButton Sets whether notification has an action button. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetHasReplyButton Sets whether the notification has a reply button. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.SetIdentifier Sets the identifier used to uniquely identify a notification. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.SetInformativeText Sets the body of the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetOtherButtonTitle Set the localized string to customize the title of the 'Close' button in an alert-style notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetResponsePlaceholder Sets the optional placeholder for inline reply field. | Mac only 3.5 |
UserNotification.SetSoundName Sets sound name. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetSubTitle Sets the subtitle displayed in the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetTitle Sets the title of the notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.SetUserInfo Stores Application-specific user info that may be retrieved later. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.deliverNotification Deliver a notification immediately, including animation or sound alerts. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.deliveredNotifications Queries list of all delivered notifications. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.hasActionButton Queries whether notification has an action button. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.isPresented Whether the notification has been presented. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.isRemote Queries whether this is a remote notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.removeAllDeliveredNotifications Clear all delivered notifications for this application from the notification center. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.removeAllScheduledNotifications Remove all scheduled user notifications from the user notification center. | Mac only 9.2 |
UserNotification.removeDeliveredNotification Clear a delivered notification from the notification center. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.removeScheduledNotification Cancels a notification. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.scheduleNotification Add a notification to the center for scheduling. | Mac only 2.8 |
UserNotification.scheduledNotifications Queries list of all delivered notifications. | Mac only 2.8 |
WindowsUserNotification.Available Queries whether available. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.GetFileName Queries file name for trigger script. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.GetImagePath Queries image path. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.GetScriptName Queries script name for trigger script. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.GetText Query text to show. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.HideNotification Hides the notification. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.Initialize Initializes notification system. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.Isinitialized Queries whether windows user notifications have been initialized. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.NewNotification Creates a new notification. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.Release Releases the notification. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.SetFileName Sets the file name for script trigger. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.SetImagePath Sets image path for the image to show. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.SetScriptName Sets the script name for script trigger. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.SetText Sets the text to show. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.Setting Queries notification status. | Win only 8.3 |
WindowsUserNotification.ShowNotification Shows the notification. | Win only 7.2 |
WindowsUserNotification.XMLUsed Queries the XML template used for the notification. | Win only 7.2 |
66 functions shown.
These functions are free to use.
Release notes
- Version 10.5
- Added CFunction.ReleaseAll, CGImageSource.ReleaseAll, CLibrary.ReleaseAll, DynaPDF.ReleaseAll, ECKey.ReleaseAll, FSEvents.ReleaseAll, MarkDown.ReleaseAll, MenuItem.ReleaseAll, SendMail.ReleaseAll, Shell.ReleaseAll, SmartCard.ReleaseAll, TouchBar.ReleaseAll, UserNotification.ReleaseAll, WMFP.ReleaseAll, WMIQuery.ReleaseAll and WindowsUserNotification.ReleaseAll.
- Version 9.2
- Added UserNotification.removeAllScheduledNotifications function.
Blog Entries
- Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.1
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.1 - More than 5700 Functions In One Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.2
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 2.8 for OS X/Windows - More than 1100 Functions In One Plugin
- Mac OS X 10.8 User Notifications with Filemaker and Real Studio