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Component: Window
Control windows.
Move window, fade in/out, change title or disable close button.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
1.0 / 14.3 | ✅ 95% | 🔶 54% | ❌ No | ❌ No | 🔶 5% |
Item | Details |
Toolbar.Register Registers a new toolbar button. | Mac only 4.3 |
Toolbar.Unregister Removes an item from the list of identifiers. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.Activate Activates the window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.AddBottomOverlay Deprecated Adds a control on bottom of the window to hide FileMakers controls behind it. | Mac only 5.3 |
Window.AddToTaskbar Adds a window to the taskbar. | Win only 13.5 |
Window.AsPDF Renders the window as PDF so you can save it in a container value. Includes a JPEG preview. | Mac only 2.3 |
Window.ClearCloseTrigger Clears close trigger. | Mac only 12.1 |
Window.ClearFocus Clears focus of Window. | Mac/Win 6.1 |
Window.ClearTouchBar Clears a TouchBar assigned to a window. | Mac only 8.4 |
Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu Configures toolbar menu. | Mac only 8.3 |
Window.Current Queries the reference number of current window. | Mac/Win 5.2 |
Window.DisableScrollbars Disables the scrollbars in a FileMaker window. | Mac/Win 2.9 |
Window.EnableScrollbars Enables the scrollbars in a FileMaker window. | Mac/Win 2.9 |
Window.Fade Fades window in or out. | Mac/Win 5.4 |
Window.FindByIndex Returns the Window Reference for a window specified by the Index parameter. | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.FindByTitle This function can be used to find the Reference to the window. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.FlashWindow Flashes the specified window one time. | Win only 6.1 |
Window.GetAlpha Queries the current alpha value of the window. | Mac/Win 2.7 |
Window.GetClassName Queries the internal class name for the window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.GetCurrentTag Queries window tag for current window. | Mac/Win 6.3 |
Window.GetHeight Queries height of a window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.GetLeft Queries X coordinate of a window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.GetMaxHeight Queries maximum allowed height for a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.GetMaxWidth Queries maximum allowed width for a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.GetMinHeight Queries minimum allowed height for a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.GetMinWidth Queries minimum allowed width for a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.GetTag Queries tag for window. | Mac/Win 6.3 |
Window.GetTitle Get's the title of the window designated by the WindowRef. | Mac/Win 1.2 |
Window.GetTitleVisible Queries whether title bar of window is visible. | Mac only 6.0 |
Window.GetTitlebarAppearsTransparent Deprecated Query titlebar transparency. | Mac only 6.0 |
Window.GetTitlebarSeparatorStyle Queries titlebar separator style. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.GetToolbarConfiguration Returns the toolbar configuration. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.GetToolbarCustomizationPaletteIsRunning Returns whether the toolbar customization palette is running (in use). | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.GetToolbarDisplayMode Queries mode of Mac toolbar. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.GetToolbarStyle Queries toolbar style. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.GetToolbarVisible Returns whether the toolbar is visible. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.GetTop Queries Y coordinate of a window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.GetTopMost Queries whether window is topmost. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
Window.GetWidth Queries width of a window. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
Window.HasCloseButton You can control whether a Window has a close button or not. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.HasFormattingBar New in 14.3 Queries whether window has a formatting bar. | Mac/Win 14.3 |
Window.HasMiniaturizeButton This function returns the current state of the window's Miniaturize button. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.HasShadow This function returns the current state of the Window's Shadow. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.HasZoomButton You can control whether a Window has a Zoom button or not. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.Hide Hides the window Specified by the Window Reference | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.HideContent Deprecated Hides the window content view. | Mac only 2.2 |
Window.HideKeyboard Hides the keyboard. | Mac/Win 13.2 |
Window.HideOverlay Deprecated Hides the overlay view on a given window. | Mac only 2.3 |
Window.HideScrollbars Deprecated Hides the scrollbars in a FileMaker window. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
Window.IgnoresMouseEvents Queries whether mouse events are ignored. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.IsFullScreen Queries whether window is fullscreen. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.IsFullScreenAuxiliary Whether this window is a fullscreen auxiliary window. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.IsFullScreenPrimary Whether this window is a fullscreen primary window. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.IsKeyboardVisible Checks whether keyboard viewer is visible. | Mac/Win 13.2 |
Window.IsMaximized Queries window maximize state. | Mac/Win 9.0 |
Window.IsMinimized Queries window minimize state. | Mac/Win 9.0 |
Window.IsModified Queries whether document has been modified. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.IsVisible Queries whether a window is visible. | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.List Queries the list of FileMaker windows. | Mac/Win 3.3 |
Window.ListCommands Queries list of commands for window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.Maximize Maximizes window. | Mac/Win 6.0 |
Window.Minimize Minimizes window. | Mac/Win 6.0 |
Window.ModalDialogFront Checks if there is a front dialog window. | Mac/Win 5.4 |
Window.Move Moves the window animated. | Mac/Win 2.2 |
Window.Parent Queries the reference number of parent window. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
Window.PositionNextDialog Sets location for next dialog. | Mac/Win 10.0 |
Window.RemoveFromTaskbar Deletes a window from the taskbar. | Win only 13.5 |
Window.RemoveMenu Removes the menu on a window. | Win only 3.3 |
Window.Resizable Queries whether window is resizable. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
Window.Resize Resizes the window animated. | Mac/Win 2.2 |
Window.ResizeContentView Deprecated Resizes content view of window. | Mac only 6.0 |
Window.RunCommand Performs a function on a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.RunToolbarCustomizationPalette Runs the toolbar customization palette. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.Screenshot Creates screenshot from a window. | Mac/Win/iOS 5.4 |
Window.Scrollbar.GetScrollElasticity Queries the elasticity mode of the scrollbar in a FileMaker window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.Scrollbar.SetScrollElasticity Sets the scroll elasticity for a window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.Scrollbar.getHorizontalMaximum Queries maximum value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/Win/iOS 6.2 |
Window.Scrollbar.getHorizontalPosition Queries current value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/Win/iOS 6.2 |
Window.Scrollbar.getVerticalMaximum Queries maximum value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/Win/iOS 6.2 |
Window.Scrollbar.getVerticalPosition Queries current value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/Win/iOS 6.2 |
Window.Scrollbar.set Scrolls to the given coordinates. | Mac/Win/iOS 6.2 |
Window.ScrollbarsVisible Whether scrollbars are visible or not in this window. | Mac/Win 2.7 |
Window.SetAlpha Set Alpha can be used to set the transparency of a window. | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.SetBounds Sets the bounds of the window. | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.SetCloseButton Switches the close button on the window on or off. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.SetCloseTrigger Sets close trigger. | Mac only 12.1 |
Window.SetCurrentTag Set window tag for current window. | Mac/Win 6.3 |
Window.SetDockImage Sets the dock image for a window. | Mac only 7.5 |
Window.SetFocus Sets focus to the Window. | Mac/Win 8.5 |
Window.SetFullScreenAuxiliary Sets this window to be an auxiliary window. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.SetFullScreenPrimary Sets this window to be a primary window. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.SetIgnoresMouseEvents Disables mouse input for this window. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.SetMaxHeight Sets maximum allowed height for the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.SetMaxWidth Sets maximum allowed width for the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.SetMinHeight Sets minimum required height for the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.SetMinWidth Sets minimum required width for the window. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.SetMiniaturizeButton This function enables or disables the the Miniaturize Button on a window. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.SetModified Sets the modified state of the window. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.SetProgress Sets task bar progress. | Win only 7.3 |
Window.SetResizable Sets whether window is resizable. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
Window.SetShadow Turns shadow on or off. | Mac only 1.1 |
Window.SetShowsToolbarButton Sets whether toolbar on/off button should be shown or not. | Mac only 2.4 |
Window.SetTag Sets tag for window. | Mac/Win 6.3 |
Window.SetTitle Set the title of the window designated by the WindowRef. | Mac/Win 1.2 |
Window.SetTitleIcon Sets the icon of a window in Windows. | Win only 3.2 |
Window.SetTitleVisible Sets whether title bar of window is visible. | Mac only 6.0 |
Window.SetTitlebarAppearsTransparent Deprecated Sets titlebar transparency. | Mac only 6.0 |
Window.SetTitlebarSeparatorStyle Sets titlebar separator style. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.SetToolbarConfiguration Sets the toolbar configuration. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.SetToolbarDisplayMode Sets mode of Mac toolbar. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.SetToolbarStyle Sets toolbar style. | Mac only 11.0 |
Window.SetToolbarVisible Sets whether the toolbar is visible or hidden. | Mac only 4.3 |
Window.SetTopMost Sets window to be topmost. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
Window.SetZoomButton This function enables or disables the the Zoom Button on a window. | Mac/Win 1.1 |
Window.Show Shows the window Specified by the Window Reference. | Mac/Win 1.0 |
Window.ShowCharacterPalette Shows the standard character palette. | Mac/Win 7.2 |
Window.ShowContent Deprecated Shows the window content view. | Mac only 2.2 |
Window.ShowKeyboard Shows the keyboard viewer. | Mac/Win 9.5 |
Window.ShowOverlay Deprecated Adds an overlay to the window to dark content. | Mac only 2.3 |
Window.ShowScrollbars Deprecated Shows the scrollbars in a FileMaker window. | Mac/Win 2.4 |
Window.ShowTableViewDialog Shows the dialog to modify the fields for table view. | Mac only 6.5 |
Window.ShowsToolbarButton Queries whether toolbar on/off button should be shown or not. | Mac only 2.4 |
Window.ToggleFullScreen Toggles fullscreen mode for this window. | Mac only 3.0 |
Window.TopHeight Queries window's toolbar height. | Mac/Win 8.3 |
Window.Update Asks the window to redraw. | Mac/Win 2.8 |
125 functions shown.
These functions require a license (79%).
Release notes
- Version 14.3
- Added Window.HasFormattingBar function.
- Version 14.1
- Added Flags parameter to Window.List to return names instead of IDs and filter for database windows only and/or visible windows.
- Version 14.0
- Fixed window functions for future FileMaker version, e.g. affect Printer.Print.
- Version 13.5
- Added Window.AddToTaskbar and Window.RemoveFromTaskbar functions.
- Added Window.Parent function.
- Version 13.2
- Added Window.HideKeyboard function.
- Added Window.IsKeyboardVisible function.
- Version 13.0
- Fixed Window.PositionNextDialog to work on Windows with the progress dialog shown by Insert From URL script step.
- Version 12.5
- Changed custom WebViewer to put it back if FileMaker rebuilds the layout. No longer need Window.SetCloseTrigger to trigger a script to do this.
- Version 12.2
- Rewrote Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu for macOS 12 to make it work again.
- Version 12.1
- Added Window.ClearCloseTrigger and Window.SetCloseTrigger function.
Blog Entries
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 13.6pr3
- MBS Plugin 13.2 for Claris FileMaker
- Script trigger for moving window
- New in MBS FileMaker Plugin 12.1
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 11.2pr5
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 6.5 for OS X/Windows
- 4000 functions in 10 years
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 6.0 for OS X/Windows
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 5.4 for OS X/Windows
- Dialogs with Filemaker
FileMaker Magazin
- Ausgabe 1/2022, Seite 25
- Ausgabe 1/2021, Seite 12 bis 13
- Ausgabe 1/2019, Seite 16
- Ausgabe 4/2018, Seite 38
- Ausgabe 5/2011, Seite 55
- Ausgabe 1/2008, Seite 32