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Component: iOSApp
App wide setting for iOS applications.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
7.4 / 13.4 | 🔶 2% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes |
Item | Details |
iOSApp.AddSwipeGestureRecognizer Add swipe gesture recognizers. | iOS 13.1 |
iOSApp.ClearLastURL Clears last URL. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.ClearSwipeGestureRecognizer Clears current swipe gesture recognizer. | iOS 13.1 |
iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app becomes active. | iOS 8.2 |
iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveScript Queries the script name for the did become active script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetDidEnterBackgroundEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetDidEnterBackgroundScript Queries the script name for the did enter background script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetDidOpenURLEvaluate Queries the expression. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.GetDidReceiveMemoryWarningEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app gets a memory warning. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetDidReceiveMemoryWarningScript Queries the script name for the did receive memory warning script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetIdleTimerDisabled Queries whether the idle timer is disabled for the app. | iOS 10.1 |
iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when device rotated. | iOS 13.4 |
iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeScript Queries the script name for the did rotate the device. | iOS 13.4 |
iOSApp.GetSignificantTimeChangeEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when time changes. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetSignificantTimeChangeScript Queries the script name for the significant time change script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetWillEnterForegroundEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetWillEnterForegroundScript Queries the script name for the will enter foreground script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | iOS 8.2 |
iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveScript Queries the script name for the will resign active script trigger. | iOS 13.0 |
iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler Install OpenURL handler. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.IsOpenURLHandlerInstalled Returns whether OpenURL handler was installed. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.LastURL Queries last URL we received. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.ReadReceipt Reads and parses App Store receipt. | Mac/iOS 10.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app becomes active. | iOS 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveScript Sets the script to be run when app becomes active. | iOS 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetDidEnterBackgroundEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidEnterBackgroundScript Queries the script to be run when app goes to background. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when the app received an URL request. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLScript Sets the script to be run when the app received an URL request. | iOS 11.1 |
iOSApp.SetDidReceiveMemoryWarningEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app gets a memory warning. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidReceiveMemoryWarningScript Sets the script to be run when app gets a memory warning. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetIdleTimerDisabled Sets whether the idle timer is disabled for the app. | iOS 10.1 |
iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when device is rotated. | iOS 13.4 |
iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeScript Queries the script to be run when device is rotated. | iOS 13.4 |
iOSApp.SetSignificantTimeChangeEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when time changes. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetSignificantTimeChangeScript Sets the script to be run when time changes. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillEnterForegroundEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when comes back to foreground. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillEnterForegroundScript Sets the script to be run when comes back to foreground. | iOS 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | iOS 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveScript Sets the script to be run when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | iOS 8.2 |
40 functions shown.
These functions require a license (60%).
Release notes
- Version 13.4
- Version 13.1
- Added iOSApp.AddSwipeGestureRecognizer and iOSApp.ClearSwipeGestureRecognizer functions to recognize a swipe gesture on your layout.
- Version 13.0
- Version 11.1
- Added functions for iOS applications to catch URL requests: iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler, iOSApp.LastURL, iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLEvaluate and iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLScript.
- Version 10.4
- Added iOSApp.ReadReceipt function to read iOS and Mac App Store receipts.
- Version 10.2
- Changed iOSApp functions to store setting in preferences, so they are restored when app is killed and restarted.
- Version 10.1
- Added iOSApp.SetIdleTimerDisabled and iOSApp.GetIdleTimerDisabled to disable sleep on iOS.
- Version 8.2
- Added iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveScript, iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveEvaluate and iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveScript for iOS to run script when screen goes to sleep.
Blog Entries
- New in MBS FileMaker Plugin 13.0
- Additional iOS Script Triggers
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.2pr1
- 5000 Functions in MBS Plugin
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.4pr8