MBS FileMaker Plugin Documentation
Components for iOS
- App: Functions to modify the current application.
- Archive: Functions to work with archives including zip, tar and bz2.
- Audit: Log all changes to your database.
- AVAsset: Modern functions on OS X to query metadata from movie files.
- AVExport: Modern functions on OS X to transcode video in different format.
- AVPlayer: Play audio on Mac and iOS.
- AVRecorder: Audio and video recording, e.g. using webcam.
- Barcode: Functions for generating and scanning barcodes.
- BinaryFile: Read binary data from a file and write it to a file.
- BlueThermProbe: Functions to use a BlueTherm™ Probe device from ThermoWorks with iOS.
- Bonjour: Lookup services on local network via zero config technology.
- Certificates: X509 Certificates and PKCS12 file handling.
- CFunction: Functions to load C libraries and call functions.
- CGImageSource: MacOS Image loading functions to query metadata and thumbnails.
- CLGeocoder: Functions for geo coordinate lookup.
- Clipboard: Get and set clipboard text.
- Compression: Functions to handle Zip and gzip files.
- Contacts: The newer Apple API for Addressbook/Contacts access.
- Container: Functions to work on containers.
- CoreLocation: Query location of a macOS and iOS.
- CoreML: macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 functions for machine learning.
- CURL: Up- and Download with FTP/SFTP/FTPS/HTTP/HTTPS.
- DialogModifications: Modifications for built in Claris FileMaker dialogs.
- Dictionary: Key/Value map to store values. An assoziative array preserving data types.
- DNSLookup: Query the IP address for a domain name.
- DocumentCameraScan: Scan documents on iOS directly into Claris FileMaker with the camera.
- DynaPDF: Create, Import and Modify PDFs on macOS and Windows.
- EIDSDK: Functions to read eID cards with zetes bluetooth card reader on iOS.
- EmailParser: Functions to parse emails and extract text, addresses and attachments.
- Encryption: Encrypt or Decrypt with AES or Blowfish
- EnvironmentVariables: Set and query environment variables from operation system.
- Events: Newer macOS/iOS event functions to work with calendars, events and reminders.
- FileDialog: Show dialogs to select files or folders.
- Files: Functions to work with files and folders.
- FM: Functions for Claris FileMaker core functions like running scripts.
- FMSQL: SQL inside Claris FileMaker databases
- Folders: Functions to query special folders.
- Font: Font functions.
- GameKit: Functions for Game Center on MacOS and iOS
- GraphicsMagick: Image functions to convert between image formats and apply effects.
- Hash: Calculate hash value of text.
- HealthKit: Functions for health data on iOS.
- IBAN: Validate international bank account numbers.
- ImagePicker: A panel for iOS to select or take picture.
- ImagePlayground: The image playground to generate images with Apple Intelligence.
- ImageView: A control to show images with animation on a layout on macOS and iOS.
- iOSApp: App wide setting for iOS applications.
- iOSDevice: iOS commands to query device details.
- iOSKeyboard: iOS Keyboard state and evaluation when it changes.
- JavaScript: Run Javascript without Webviewer cross-platform, even on server.
- JavaScriptWebKit: Run Javascript without Webviewer on Mac/iOS, even on server.
- JSON: Parse or build JSON texts.
- Keychain: Manage passwords in Mac & iOS Keychain
- List: Text functions for working with lists.
- MailComposer: A dialog for iOS to compose and send an email.
- MapView: MapKit functions for MacOS to show maps.
- MarkDown: Convert MarkDown code to HTML code.
- Math: Math functions.
- Matrix: Matrix functions
- MessageComposer: A panel for iOS to edit and send an messages.
- MetaDataQuery: Spotlight search for files for macOS and iOS.
- MongoDB: Connect to a Mongo database.
- Mutex: Functions for named mutexes.
- NetworkInterfaces: Query Network interfaces on Mac.
- OCR: Recognize text on images.
- Path: Convert paths from native to Claris FileMaker style and back.
- PDFKit: PDF functions for macOS and iOS.
- Phidget: Functions to control Phidget devices
- PhotoPicker: A panel for iOS to import images from photos library.
- PList: Functions to read and write property lists.
- Plugin: Central plugin management functions.
- Preferences: Get or set preferences.
- Process: Query process details.
- ProgressDialog: Show progress dialog.
- Python: Execute phyton scripts and evaluate expressions directly within FileMaker context.
- QuickLook: Query file icons and previews.
- RegEx: Regular expressions like in Perl.
- RemoteControl: Press keys or move/click mouse.
- RichText: Read and write Word/OpenOffice/RTF files on Mac.
- Schedule: Scheduled script calls and sql queries.
- Screenshot: Create screenshots.
- SendMail: Create emails and send them.
- SharingPanel: iOS functions to share items and pass them to Air Drop, Mail, Messages, iPhoto, and more.
- Sign: Sign with Elliptic Curve or RSA.
- Socket: UDP and TCP sockets.
- Speech: Speak text on Mac, iOS & Windows.
- SQL: Connect to SQL databases and query data or run SQL commands.
- SSH: Secure Shell connection to server.
- StoreKit: In-app purchases in the Mac/iOS App Store
- SyntaxColoring: Control the syntax coloring in script and calculation editor.
- SystemInfo: Query system information details.
- Text: Functions for working with text.
- TextView: Functions for an independent text field.
- Time: Time functions.
- TOTP: Create Time-based one-time passwords
- Trace: Debug logging of plugin calls to a log file, Console.app or DebugView.
- UNNotification: User notifications for iOS and MacOS
- Utility: Various utility functions which do not fit in other categories.
- UUID: UUID functions.
- Variables: Plugin managed global variables preserving data type.
- Vision: Functions for the Vision framework from Apple
- WebDownloadDelegate: Allow controlled downloads on macOS webviewer.
- WebHook: Functions to catch web hooks.
- WebView: Control webviewer.
- Window: Control windows.
- WinPDF: Windows PDF functions
- WordFile: Modify Word files.
- XL: Read and Write Excel files.
- XML: Functions for working on XML text.