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Functions only supported on FileMaker SDK on iOS
The functions listed below should work only with FileMaker SDK in your iOS app and not on Mac/Win.
Item | Details |
AVRecorder.GetVideoOrientation Queries current video orientation. | 14.1 |
AVRecorder.SetVideoOrientation Sets the video orientation for iOS. | 14.1 |
CoreLocation.requestAlwaysAuthorization Requests permission to use location services whenever the app is running. | 9.1 |
CoreLocation.stopUpdatingHeading Stops the generation of heading updates. | 9.1 |
DocumentCameraScan.Clear Clears last scan. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Close Closes the scan dialog. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.ErrorMessage Queries error message. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Initialize Initializes the document camera scan functions. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.IsInitialized Checks whether initialization is done. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.PageCount Queries page count. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.PageImage Queries a page as image. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Scan Show the dialog to scan. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.SetScript Sets the script to trigger when scan is done. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Supported Checks whether scan is supported. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Title Queries the title of the scanned document. | 10.0 |
DocumentCameraScan.Visible Whether dialog is visible. | 10.0 |
DocumentPicker.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.Export Shows dialog to export files. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.File Queries native file path for a file. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.FileCount Queries file count. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.Files Queries list of native file paths. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.Import Shows dialog to import files. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.IsVisible Queries whether dialog is visible. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.Move Shows dialog to move files. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.Open Shows dialog to open files. | 9.1 |
DocumentPicker.SetTrigger Sets trigger for document trigger. | 9.1 |
EIDSDK.Address Queries address field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.BeginTransaction Begins a transaction. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.CardDeliveryMunicipality Queries municipality field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.CardNumber Queries card number field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.CardValidFrom Queries card valid from field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.CardValidTo Queries card valid to field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.ChipNumber Queries chip number field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Close Closes device. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.DateOfBirth Queries date of birth field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.DocTypeInt Queries document type field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Duplicate Queries duplicate field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.EndTransaction Ends a transaction. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.FirstName Queries first name field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Initialize Initializes the SDK. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.LastName Queries last name field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.MemberOfFamily Queries memory of family field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Municipality Queries municipality field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.NatNumber Queries national number field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Nationality Queries nationality field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.NobleCondition Queries noble condition field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Open Opens device. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.PhotoDigest Queries photo digest field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Picture Queries picture. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.PlaceOfBirth Queries place of birth field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.PostalCode Queries postal code field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SDKReleaseDate Queries SDK release date. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SDKVersion Queries SDK version. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SetTrigger Sets the script trigger to notify on events. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Sex Queries sex field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SpecialOrganisation Queries special organization field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SpecialStatus Queries special status field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.StartScan Starts scan for devices. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.StopScan Stops scan for devices. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.SupportsPinPad Whether pin pad is supported. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.ThirdName Queries third name field. | 10.0 |
EIDSDK.Version Queries version for card. | 10.0 |
HealthKit.AuthorizationStatusForType Queries authentication status for a type. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.BiologicalSex Queries the user's biological sex. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.BloodType Queries blood type. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.DateOfBirth Queries date of birth for user. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.DateOfBirthComponents Queries date of birth for user in components. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.FitzpatrickSkinType Queries skin type. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.RequestAuthorizationToShareTypes Requests authorization from the user. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.SampleQuery Queries sample data from the database. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.WheelchairUse Queries wheelchair value. | 8.2 |
HealthKit.isHealthDataAvailable Checks whether health data is available. | 8.2 |
ImagePicker.AvailableCaptureModesForCameraDevice Queries list of available modes. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.AvailableMediaTypesForSourceType Returns an array of the available media types for the specified source type. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.ClearMedia Clears current media. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.ClearOverlay Clears an overlay image. | 8.3 |
ImagePicker.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetAllowsEditing Gets whether editing is allowed. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraCaptureMode Queries the capture mode. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraDevice Queries camera device. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetCameraFlashMode Queries flash mode. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetEvaluate Queries the evaluation to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetFileName Queries the file name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetShowsCameraControls Queries camera controls visibility. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetSourceType Gets the source type. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.GetVideoMaximumDuration Queries maximum duration. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.HasMedia Queries whether media exists. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsCameraDeviceAvailable Checks camera availability. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsFlashAvailableForCameraDevice Checks flash availability. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsPresented Checks whether panel is displayed. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.IsSourceTypeAvailable Check for source availability. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaCropRect Queries crop rectangle. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaEditedImage Queries the edited image. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaIsImage Queries whether media type is image. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaIsVideo Queries whether media type is video. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaMetadata Queries image metadata as JSON. | 10.2 |
ImagePicker.MediaOriginalImage Queries the original image. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaPath Queries path for media. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaReferenceURL Queries reference URL for media. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaType Queries media type. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaTypes Queries media types. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.MediaURL Queries URL for media. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.New Initializes the picker panel. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.Present Presents the picker view. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetAllowsEditing Sets whether editing is allowed. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraCaptureMode Sets the capture mode. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraDevice Sets camera device. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetCameraFlashMode Sets flash mode. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetEvaluate Sets the expression to call when composer is done. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetMediaTypes Sets the list of media types to access. | 13.2 |
ImagePicker.SetOverlayImage Installs an overlay image to the picker. | 8.3 |
ImagePicker.SetScript Sets the script to call when picker is done. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetShowsCameraControls Sets camera controls visibility. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetSourceType Sets the source type. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.SetVideoMaximumDuration Sets maximum duration. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.StartVideoCapture Starts video capture. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.StopVideoCapture Stops video capture. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.TakePicture Captures a still image using the camera. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.VideoIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum Checks video. | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbum Adds a photo to the saved photos album (camera roll). | 7.3 |
ImagePicker.WriteVideoToSavedPhotosAlbum Adds a video to the saved photos album. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.AddAttachmentContainer Adds an attachment to the email based on a container field. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.AddAttachmentFile Adds an attachment to the email based on a file path. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.AddAttachmentText Adds an attachment to the email based on a text. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.CanSendMail Whether emails can be send. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.Error The last error from sending email. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetBCCRecipients Queries BCC recipients. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetCCRecipients Queries CC recipients. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetEvaluate Queries the evaluation to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetFileName Queries the file name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetMessageBody Queries message text. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetSubject Queries subject text. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.GetTORecipients Queries TO recipients. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.IsPresented Checks whether panel is displayed. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.New Initializes the mail composer panel. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.Present Presents the email composer view. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.Result Queries result of email composer. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetBCCRecipients Sets the BCC header for the email message to the specified email addresses. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetCCRecipients Sets the CC header for the email message to the specified email addresses. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetEvaluate Sets the expression to call when composer is done. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetMessageBody Sets the body of the email message to the specified content. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetScript Sets the script to call when composer is done. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetSubject Sets the Subject header for the email message. | 7.3 |
MailComposer.SetTORecipients Sets the To header for the email message to the specified email addresses. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.AddAttachmentContainer Adds an attachment to the email based on a container field. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.AddAttachmentFile Adds an attachment to the email based on a file path. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.AttachmentCount Queries number of attachments. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.CanSendAttachments Checks whether we can send attachments. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.CanSendSubject Checks whether we can send subject. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.CanSendText Checks whether we can send text. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetEvaluate Queries the evaluation to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetFileName Queries the file name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetMessageBody Queries message body. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetRecipients Queries list of recipients. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to run when email composer is done. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.GetSubject Queries subject text. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.IsPresented Checks whether panel is displayed. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.New Initializes the message composer panel. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.Present Presents the message composer view. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.Result Queries result of email composer. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.SetEvaluate Sets the expression to call when composer is done. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.SetMessageBody Sets the body of the message to the specified content. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.SetRecipients Defines recipients. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.SetScript Sets the script to call when composer is done. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.SetSubject Sets the Subject header for the email message. | 7.3 |
MessageComposer.disableUserAttachments Disable user attachments. | 7.3 |
PDFKit.SelectPrinter Shows the printer picker. | 14.2 |
QLPreviewPanel.GetEditingAllowed Queries whether editing is allowed. | 11.1 |
QLPreviewPanel.GetSharingAllowed Queries whether sharing is allowed. | 11.3 |
QLPreviewPanel.SavedFiles Queries list of file paths. | 11.1 |
QLPreviewPanel.SetDismissTrigger Sets the script trigger. | 11.1 |
QLPreviewPanel.SetEditingAllowed Sets whether editing is allowed. | 11.1 |
QLPreviewPanel.SetSharingAllowed Sets whether sharing is allowed. | 11.3 |
SharingPanel.AddFilePath Adds a file to share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.AddImageContainer Adds an image to the share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.AddImageFile Adds an image to the share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.AddStyledText Adds styled text to share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.AddText Adds text to share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.AddURL Adds a URL to the share. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.Clear Resets the panel. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.Dismiss Dismisses the dialog. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.ErrorCode Queries error number. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.ErrorText Queries error text. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.GetEvaluate Queries the evaluation to run when sharing panel is done. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.GetExcludedActivityTypes Queries the list of activities to exclude in the panel. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.GetFileName Queries the file name of the script to run when sharing panel is done. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to run when social composer is done. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.IsPresented Checks whether panel is displayed. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.Item Queries item at index. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.ItemCount Queries number of items. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.Present Presents the sharing panel. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.RemoveAll Removes all items for sharing. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.Result Queries result of sharing panel. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.SelectedType Queries selected activity type. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.SetEvaluate Sets the expression to call when sharing panel is done. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.SetExcludedActivityTypes Sets the list of activities to exclude in the panel. | 11.4 |
SharingPanel.SetScript Sets the script to call when sharing panel is done. | 11.4 |
StoreKit.RequestReview Shows review dialog. | 8.2 |
StoreKit.SetProductViewFinishedTrigger Sets trigger for product view. | 8.2 |
StoreKit.ShowProductView Shows a new product screen to display. | 8.2 |
UNNotification.LaunchImageName Queries launch image name. | 7.2 |
UNNotification.Region Queries region of location based trigger. | 7.2 |
UNNotification.SetLaunchImageName Sets the launch image name. | 7.2 |
UNNotification.SetLocationTrigger Sets a location trigger. | 7.2 |
UNNotification.SetNFCScript Sets NFC trigger script. | 9.4 |
iOSApp.AddSwipeGestureRecognizer Add swipe gesture recognizers. | 13.1 |
iOSApp.ClearLastURL Clears last URL. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.ClearSwipeGestureRecognizer Clears current swipe gesture recognizer. | 13.1 |
iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app becomes active. | 8.2 |
iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveScript Queries the script name for the did become active script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetDidEnterBackgroundEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetDidEnterBackgroundScript Queries the script name for the did enter background script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetDidOpenURLEvaluate Queries the expression. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.GetDidReceiveMemoryWarningEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app gets a memory warning. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetDidReceiveMemoryWarningScript Queries the script name for the did receive memory warning script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetIdleTimerDisabled Queries whether the idle timer is disabled for the app. | 10.1 |
iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when device rotated. | 13.4 |
iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeScript Queries the script name for the did rotate the device. | 13.4 |
iOSApp.GetSignificantTimeChangeEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when time changes. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetSignificantTimeChangeScript Queries the script name for the significant time change script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetWillEnterForegroundEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.GetWillEnterForegroundScript Queries the script name for the will enter foreground script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveEvaluate Queries the expression to be evaluated when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | 8.2 |
iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveScript Queries the script name for the will resign active script trigger. | 13.0 |
iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler Install OpenURL handler. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.IsOpenURLHandlerInstalled Returns whether OpenURL handler was installed. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.LastURL Queries last URL we received. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app becomes active. | 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveScript Sets the script to be run when app becomes active. | 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetDidEnterBackgroundEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app goes to background. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidEnterBackgroundScript Queries the script to be run when app goes to background. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when the app received an URL request. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLScript Sets the script to be run when the app received an URL request. | 11.1 |
iOSApp.SetDidReceiveMemoryWarningEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when app gets a memory warning. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetDidReceiveMemoryWarningScript Sets the script to be run when app gets a memory warning. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetIdleTimerDisabled Sets whether the idle timer is disabled for the app. | 10.1 |
iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when device is rotated. | 13.4 |
iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeScript Queries the script to be run when device is rotated. | 13.4 |
iOSApp.SetSignificantTimeChangeEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when time changes. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetSignificantTimeChangeScript Sets the script to be run when time changes. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillEnterForegroundEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when comes back to foreground. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillEnterForegroundScript Sets the script to be run when comes back to foreground. | 7.4 |
iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | 8.2 |
iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveScript Sets the script to be run when the app is no longer active and loses focus. | 8.2 |
iOSDevice.BatteryLevel The battery charge level for the device. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.BatteryState The battery state for the device. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.IdentifierForVendor An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the app’s vendor. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.IsBatteryMonitoringEnabled Checks whether battery monitoring is enabled. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.LocalizedModel The model of the device as a localized string. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.Model The model of the device. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.Name The name identifying the device. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.Orientation Returns the physical orientation of the device. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.OrientationIsLandscape Checks whether orientation is landscape. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.OrientationIsPortrait Checks whether orientation is portrait. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.SetBatteryMonitoringEnabled Changes battery monitoring state. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.SystemName The name of the operating system running on the device represented by the receiver. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.SystemVersion The current version of the operating system. | 7.2 |
iOSDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom The style of interface to use on the current device. | 7.2 |
iOSKeyboard.GetDidHideEvaluate Queries expression to run when keyboard did hide. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.GetDidShowEvaluate Queries expression to run when keyboard did show. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.GetWillHideEvaluate Queries expression to run when keyboard will hide. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.GetWillShowEvaluate Queries expression to run when keyboard will show. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.SetDidHideEvaluate Sets expression to run when keyboard did hide. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.SetDidShowEvaluate Sets expression to run when keyboard did show. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.SetWillHideEvaluate Sets expression to run when keyboard will hide. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.SetWillShowEvaluate Sets expression to run when keyboard will show. | 7.4 |
iOSKeyboard.State Queries keyboard state. | 7.4 |
271 functions shown.