Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
New in version 11.1
Item | Details | Server |
App.Exit Quits the current process. | All |
✅ Server |
Archive.CompressContainer Compresses one container into a new archive. | All |
✅ Server |
Audit.Hash Hashes the field/value. | All |
✅ Server |
Barcode.Modulo10Checksum Calculate checksum with Modulo 10 recursive. | All |
✅ Server |
CURL.SetOptionAWSSigV4 Provides AWS V4 signature authentication on HTTP(S) header. | All |
✅ Server |
CoreLocation.requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization Asks for temporary access. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
Dictionary.AddDictionary Adds entries from other dictionary to current one. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.FromJSON Creates dictionary from JSON. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.Table.SetCellStyledText Inserts the specified styled text into the cell. | All |
✅ Server |
Files.FileNameWithoutExtension Queries file name without extension. | All |
✅ Server |
Files.ReadAndWriteFile Reads a file and writes it elsewhere. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.IsLoggingEnabled Checks whether logging is enabled. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.SetLogEventMask Set log event mask. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.CalcCheckSum Calculates the checksum. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.Compact Formats the IBAN for compact view. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.Countries Queries list of country codes. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.Example Queries example IBAN for country. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.Format Formats the IBAN for printing. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.IsValid Checks whether an IBAN is valid. | All |
✅ Server |
IBAN.RegEx Queries regular expression for country. | All |
✅ Server |
List.Find Finds an entry in the list. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.FormatNumber Formats a number. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.NormInv Calculates NormInv function like in Excel. | All |
✅ Server |
QLPreviewPanel.GetEditingAllowed Queries whether editing is allowed. | iOS |
❌ Server |
QLPreviewPanel.SavedFiles Queries list of file paths. | iOS |
❌ Server |
QLPreviewPanel.SetDismissTrigger Sets the script trigger. | iOS |
❌ Server |
QLPreviewPanel.SetEditingAllowed Sets whether editing is allowed. | iOS |
❌ Server |
QuickList.Find Finds an entry in the list. | All |
✅ Server |
RegEx.DataDetector Performs data detection to find details in text. | Mac/iOS |
✅ Server |
RegEx.Extract Extracts found text. | All |
✅ Server |
Socket.GetReceiveBufferSize Query receive buffer size. | All |
✅ Server |
Socket.GetSendBufferSize Query send buffer size. | All |
✅ Server |
Socket.SetReceiveBufferSize Sets receive buffer size. | All |
✅ Server |
Socket.SetSendBufferSize Sets send buffer size. | All |
✅ Server |
Speech.Stop Stops speech as soon as possible. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.GetCustomFunctionToolsEnabled Queries whether to show custom function tools. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.GetDebuggerTooltipsEnabled Queries whether debugger tooltips are enabled. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.GetFormulasWithDashLinks Queries whether to generate links for dash. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.SetCustomFunctionToolsEnabled Sets whether to show custom function and calculation tools. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.SetDebuggerTooltipsEnabled Sets whether debugger tooltips are enabled. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.SetFormulasWithDashLinks Sets whether formulas should link to dash. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
XML.SetPathCData Sets path value with CData. | All |
✅ Server |
iOSApp.ClearLastURL Clears last URL. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.GetDidOpenURLEvaluate Queries the expression. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler Install OpenURL handler. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.IsOpenURLHandlerInstalled Returns whether OpenURL handler was installed. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.LastURL Queries last URL we received. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLEvaluate Sets the expression to be evaluated when the app received an URL request. | iOS |
❌ Server |
iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLScript Sets the script to be run when the app received an URL request. | iOS |
❌ Server |
49 functions shown.
These functions require a license (63%).