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Returns JSON with object counts.

Component Version macOS Windows Linux Server iOS SDK
Plugin 13.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
MBS( "Plugin.ObjectCounts" { ; SkipZeros } )   More


Parameter Description Example Flags
SkipZeros Whether to skip zero values.
Default is false. Pass 1 to skip.
0 Optional


Returns JSON or error.


Returns JSON with object counts.
If you wonder what is using up your memory, you can ask if the plugin has objects laying around, that you may have forgotten to release.
The keys are different on macOS, Windows, Linux and iOS since some features don't exist on all platforms.


Query counters on macOS to find some SQL connections:


Example result:
{ "AppleScript": 0, "AVAsset": 0, "AVExport": 0, "AVPlayer": 0, "AVRecorder": 0, "BinaryFile": 0, "Calendar": 0, "CFunction": 0, "CLGeocoder": 0, "CLibrary": 0, "CoreML": 0, "CURL": 0, "Dictionary": 0, "DNSLookup": 0, "DragDrop": 0, "DynaPDF": 0, "DynaPDFTable": 0, "ECKey": 0, "Email": 0, "EmailParser": 0, "Events": 0, "FMSQL": 0, "FSEvents": 0, "GMImage": 0, "HotKey": 0, "ImageSource": 0, "ImageView": 0, "JavaScriptEngine": 0, "JavaScriptMac": 0, "JObject": 0, "JSON": 0, "LDAP": 0, "MapView": 0, "MarkDown": 0, "Matrix": 0, "Menu": 0, "MenuItem": 0, "MetaDataQuery": 0, "Midi": 0, "Mongo": 0, "NamedMutex": 0, "PDFKit": 0, "Phidget": 0, "PKCS12": 0, "PKCS7": 0, "PKey": 0, "Preview": 0, "ProcessActivity": 0, "QuickList": 0, "RegEx": 0, "Schedule": 0, "SerialPort": 0, "Shell": 0, "SmartCard": 0, "Social": 0, "Socket": 0, "SQLCommand": 0, "SQLConnection": 7, "SSH": 0, "TextView": 0, "TouchBar": 0, "UNNotification": 0, "WebHook": 0, "WebRequest": 0, "WordFile": 0, "X509": 0, "XLBook": 0, "XML": 0 }

Release notes

Blog Entries

This function is free to use.

Created 27th September 2023, last changed 2nd October 2023

Plugin.LockedFunctions - Plugin.OpenSSLVersion