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Component: ListDialog
Functions for a dialog to pick items from a list.
Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | Server | iOS SDK |
4.2 / 14.2 | ✅ Yes | ✅ 97% | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Item | Details |
ListDialog.AddItemToList Adds a line to the list. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.AddItemsToList Adds entries to the list. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.AddSQL Adds items via SQL statement. | Mac/Win 5.1 |
ListDialog.ClearColumnHeaders Clears column headers. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
ListDialog.ClearList Clears the list. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.ColumnCount Queries column count. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
ListDialog.GetAllowEmptySelection Queries whether empty selection is allowed. | Mac/Win 5.0 |
ListDialog.GetAllowMultipleSelection Queries whether multiple selection is allowed. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetCancelButtonLabel Queries the caption of the cancel button. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetChecked Queries check state. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.GetCheckedTags Queries list of checked items. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.GetCheckedTitles Queries list of checked items. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.GetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick Queries whether to close dialog on double click. | Mac/Win 14.1 |
ListDialog.GetColumnAlignment Queries column alignment. | Mac/Win 11.2 |
ListDialog.GetColumnHeader Queries column header text. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
ListDialog.GetColumnWidth Queries column width. | Mac/Win 11.2 |
ListDialog.GetFilter Queries the current filter text. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
ListDialog.GetHeight Queries height of dialog. | Mac/Win 4.3 |
ListDialog.GetOtherButtonEvaluate Queries expression to evaluate for other button. | Mac/Win 9.5 |
ListDialog.GetOtherButtonLabel Queries the caption of the other button. | Mac/Win 9.5 |
ListDialog.GetPositionX Queries dialog position. | Mac/Win 6.5 |
ListDialog.GetPositionY Queries dialog position. | Mac/Win 6.5 |
ListDialog.GetPrompt Queries the current prompt text. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetSelectButtonLabel Queries the caption of the select button. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetSelectedTag Queries the selected tag. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetSelectedTitle Queries title of the selected item. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.GetShowCheckboxes Queries whether to show checkboxes. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.GetShowCloseBox Queries whether the close box is enabled. | Mac/Win 14.2 |
ListDialog.GetShowsFilter Queries whether to show a filter. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
ListDialog.GetUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors Whether alternating row background colors should be used. | Mac only 10.4 |
ListDialog.GetWidth Queries the width of the dialog. | Mac/Win 4.3 |
ListDialog.GetWindowTitle Queries the window title. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.IsVisible Query whether dialog is visible. | Mac/Win 13.2 |
ListDialog.ListCount Queries number of list entries. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.ListItem Queries the text displayed for the given index. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.ListTag Queries the tag for the given index. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.Reset Resets all list dialog options. | Mac/Win 10.0 |
ListDialog.SetAllowEmptySelection Sets whether empty selection is allowed. | Mac/Win 5.0 |
ListDialog.SetAllowMultipleSelection Sets whether multiple selection is allowed. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetCancelButtonLabel Sets the caption of the cancel button. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetChecked Sets check state for a row. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.SetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick Sets whether to close dialog on double click. | Mac/Win 14.1 |
ListDialog.SetColumnAlignment Sets the column alignment. | Mac/Win 11.2 |
ListDialog.SetColumnCount Sets column count. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
ListDialog.SetColumnHeader Sets the column header text. | Mac/Win 9.2 |
ListDialog.SetColumnWidth Sets column width to use. | Mac/Win 11.2 |
ListDialog.SetFilter Sets the current filter text. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
ListDialog.SetHeight Sets the height of the dialog. | Mac/Win 4.3 |
ListDialog.SetOtherButtonEvaluate Sets the other button evaluate. | Mac/Win 9.5 |
ListDialog.SetOtherButtonLabel Sets the caption of the other button. | Mac/Win 9.5 |
ListDialog.SetPosition Sets position for dialog. | Mac/Win 6.5 |
ListDialog.SetPositionX Sets position for dialog. | Mac/Win 6.5 |
ListDialog.SetPositionY Sets position for dialog. | Mac/Win 6.5 |
ListDialog.SetPrompt Sets prompt text. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetSelectButtonLabel Sets the caption of the select button. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetSelectedTag Sets which item is selected. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetSelectedTitle Sets which item is selected. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.SetShowCheckboxes Sets whether to show checkboxes. | Mac/Win 13.5 |
ListDialog.SetShowCloseBox Sets whether the close box widget is enabled. | Mac/Win 14.2 |
ListDialog.SetShowsFilter Whether to show a filter field. | Mac/Win 11.0 |
ListDialog.SetUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors Set whether alternating row background colors should be used. | Mac only 10.4 |
ListDialog.SetWidth Sets the width of the dialog. | Mac/Win 4.3 |
ListDialog.SetWindowTitle Sets window title. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.ShowDialog Shows the dialog. | Mac/Win 4.2 |
ListDialog.Sort Sorts entries. | Mac/Win 7.5 |
65 functions shown.
Release notes
- Version 14.3
- Changed ListDialog.SetShowCheckboxes to allow flag 4 to have checkboxes with only one checkbox checked at maximum.
- Version 14.2
- Added ListDialog.GetShowCloseBox and ListDialog.SetShowCloseBox functions.
- Fixed the ListDialog functions to allow the red close widget to be used on the dialog to close it.
- Version 14.1
- Added ListDialog.SetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick and ListDialog.GetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick to decide whether the dialog closes on double click.
- Fixed a crash in ListDialog.Sort when there is no list to sort.
- Fixed headers in ListDialog functions to not show check boxes.
- Improved ListDialog functions to match headers with all their items if you search for them.
- Improved ListDialog functions to not show empty header lines if you filter entries.
- Version 14.0
- Fixed ListDialog functions to not use column widths if you have only one column.
- Version 13.5
- Added support for having checkboxes in a list dialog for ListDialog functions.
- Changed ListDialog.ShowDialog to allow two line prompt line.
- Fixed problem with ListDialog functions on Windows.
- Version 13.3
- Changed ListDialog functions to allow cancel button to be hidden if it has empty label.
- Changed ListDialog functions to have select button enabled on macOS if no selection is made, but empty selection is allowed (same as on Windows).
- Version 13.2
- Added ListDialog.IsVisible function.
- Changed ListDialog.SetOtherButtonEvaluate to query selection, so you can query it using ListDialog.GetSelectedTag and ListDialog.GetSelectedTitle in your expression.
- Version 11.2
- Added ListDialog.SetColumnAlignment and ListDialog.GetColumnAlignment functions.
- Added ListDialog.SetColumnWidth and ListDialog.GetColumnWidth functions.
- Version 11.1
- Fixed an issue with searching umlauts with filter in ListDialog functions.
- Improved ListDialog functions on Windows to not redraw list while filling it. A massive performance improvment!
Blog Entries
- MBS Plugin Advent calendar: 22 - ListDialog
- MBS Plugin 13.5 for Claris FileMaker
- List dialog with checkboxes
- MBS FileMaker Plugin, June 2021 News
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.2 - More than 6500 Functions In One Plugin
- Customize your FileMaker solution
- MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.0 - More than 6400 Functions In One Plugin
- Filter for ListDialog
- List Dialogs with headers
- List Dialogs with multiple columns
Example Databases