Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
New in version 14.1
Item | Details | Server |
AVRecorder.GetVideoOrientation Queries current video orientation. | iOS |
❌ Server |
AVRecorder.SetVideoOrientation Sets the video orientation for iOS. | iOS |
❌ Server |
CF Shorter version for FM.CF. | All |
✅ Server |
Clipboard.Clear Clears the clipboard content. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
DynaPDF.CreateGoToEAction Creates an embedded GoTo action. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetActionsAsJSON Queries all action as JSON array. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.Parser.SelectionText Retrieves the text and text length of the current selection or found text. | All |
✅ Server |
Events.RequestFullAccessToEvents Prompts people to grant or deny read and write access to event data. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
Events.RequestFullAccessToReminders Prompts people to grant or deny read and write access to reminders. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
Events.RequestWriteOnlyAccessToEvents Prompts the person using your app to grant or deny write access to event data. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
GMImage.Statistics Calculate statistics for an image. | All |
✅ Server |
JSON.AddValueToArray Adds a value to an array. | All |
✅ Server |
JSON.AddValueToObject Adds a new entry to the object with the given name and value. | All |
✅ Server |
ListDialog.GetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick Queries whether to close dialog on double click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ListDialog.SetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick Sets whether to close dialog on double click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.Alpha Queries the current alpha value of the window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.Create Creates a new overlay window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetHasShadow Queries whether this window has a shadow. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetHeight Queries height of a window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetLeft Queries X coordinate of a window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseClickEvaluate Queries the expression to be run on a mouse click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseClickScriptName Queries the script to run on a mouse click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseEnterEvaluate Queries the expression to be run on a mouse enters the window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseEnterScriptName Queries the script to run on a mouse enter. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseExitEvaluate Queries the expression to be run on a mouse exits the window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMouseExitScriptName Queries the script to run on a mouse exits. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetMovableByWindowBackground Queries whether the window can be moved with the mouse. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetTag Queries tag for window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetTitle Queries current window title. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetTop Queries Y coordinate of a window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetTopMost Queries whether window is topmost. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.GetWidth Queries width of a window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.IgnoresMouseEvents Whether the window ignores mouse events. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Overlay.IsVisible Queries whether a window is visible. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.List Lists all IDs of current overlay objects. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.MouseX Queries current position of the mouse cursor on screen. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.MouseY Queries current position of the mouse cursor on screen. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.Move Moves the window the given position. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.Release Releases the overlay window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.ReleaseAll Releases all overlay windows. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.Resize Resizes the window to the desired size. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetAlpha Set Alpha can be used to set the transparency of a window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetFocus Sets focus to the Window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetFrame Sets the size and position of the overlay. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetFrameWithControl Sets the size and position of the overlay based on a given control. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetHasShadow Sets whether window has a shadow. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetIgnoresMouseEvents Sets whether the window ignores mouse clicks. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetImage Sets the image to show in the container. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseClickEvaluate Sets expression to be run on a mouse click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseClickScript Sets the script to run on a mouse click. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseEnterEvaluate Sets expression to be run on a mouse enter. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseEnterScript Sets the script to run on a mouse enter. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseExitEvaluate Sets expression to be run on a mouse exit. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMouseExitScript Sets the script to run on a mouse exit. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetMovableByWindowBackground Sets whether the window can be moved with the mouse. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetTag Sets tag for window. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetTitle Sets the window title. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetTopMost Sets window to be topmost. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Overlay.SetVisible Sets whether the window is visible. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsAltKeyDown Checks whether alt/option key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsCapsLockKeyDown Checks whether caps lock key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsCommandKeyDown Checks whether command key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsControlKeyDown Checks whether control key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsFunctionKeyDown Checks whether function key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
RemoteControl.IsShiftKeyDown Checks whether shift key is down. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
SyntaxColoring.FormatCalculation Reformats the calculation text. | All |
✅ Server |
66 functions shown.
New parameters added
Item | Details | Server |
DynaPDF.AppendPage: DontSetFont This function appends an empty page to the document. | All |
✅ Server |
JSON.JSONPatch.FromDiff: KeyToCopy Create a JSON Patch from a diff of two json documents. | All |
✅ Server |
Window.List: Flags Queries the list of FileMaker windows. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
3 functions shown.
These functions require a license (67%).
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