Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
New in version 4.1
Item | Details | Server |
Audit.GetLogAccess Queries whether plugin logs access. | All |
✅ Server |
Audit.SetLogAccess Sets whether access is logged. | All |
✅ Server |
CLGeocoder.Cancel Cancels a pending geocoding request. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.Cancelled Whether the request was cancelled. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.Close Closes a request and frees memory. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.Done Queries whether the request is finished. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.Error Checks if this request got an error. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.ErrorMessage Queries the error message of the geo coder. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.GeocodeAddressString Submits a forward-geocoding request using the specified string. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.PlacemarkCount Queries the number of placemarks found. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.PlacemarkValue Queries a value of the placemarks found. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
CLGeocoder.ReverseGeocodeLocation Submits a reverse-geocoding request for the specified location. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetAlternateButton Queries the title for the alternate button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetButtons Queries which buttons are shown. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetDefaultButton Queries the title for the default button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetIcon Returns the icon displayed in the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetInformativeText Returns the receiver's informative text. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetMessage Queries the message text for the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetMode Queries the dialog style. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetOtherButton Queries the title for the other button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetShowsSuppressionButton Indicates whether the receiver shows a suppression button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetSuppressionButtonTitle Queries the text for the suppression checkbox. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetSuppressionState Queries the suppression state after you showed the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.GetWindowTitle Queries the window title for the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.Reset Resets all dialog options. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.Run Runs the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetAlternateButton Sets the title for the alternate button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetButtons Sets which buttons to show. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetDefaultButton Sets the title for the default button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetIcon Sets the icon to be displayed in the alert to a given icon. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetInformativeText Sets the receiver's informative text to a given text. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetMessage Sets the message text for the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetMode Sets the dialog style. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetOtherButton Sets the title for the other button. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetShowsSuppressionButton Specifies whether the receiver includes a suppression checkbox. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetSuppressionButtonTitle Sets the text for the suppression checkbox. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Dialog.SetWindowTitle Sets the window title for the dialog. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
DynaPDF.AddFontSearchPath Adds a search path to the list of available font search paths. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.CreateCheckBox This function creates a check box. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.CreateTextField This function creates a text field. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.FindText Searches a text and returns position details. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetImportFlags The function returns the current import flags used to import PDF files. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetImportFlags The function sets optional flags to control the import of external PDF files. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetTextFieldValue The function sets or changes the value and default value of a text field. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetTextFieldValueEx The function changes or sets the value of a text field. | All |
✅ Server |
Encryption.Cipher Encrypts or decrypts of a value. | All |
✅ Server |
Files.ListRecursive Queries list of paths in folder. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathArcAbs Draw a single arc segment. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathArcRel Draw a single arc segment. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathClosePath Closes subpath. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathCurvetoAbs Draw a single curve. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathCurvetoRel Draw a single curve. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoAbs Draw to a single point. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoHorizontalAbs Draws a horizontal line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (x, cpy). | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoHorizontalRel Draws a horizontal line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (x, cpy). | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoRel Draw to a single point. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoVerticalAbs Draws a vertical line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (cpx, y). | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathLinetoVerticalRel Draws a vertical line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (cpx, y). | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathMovetoAbs Simple moveto with absolute coordinate. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathMovetoRel Simple moveto with relative coordinate. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathQuadraticCurvetoAbs Draw a single curve. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathQuadraticCurvetoRel Draw a single curve. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathSmoothCurvetoAbs Adds a smooth curve to path. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathSmoothCurvetoRel Draw a single curve. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathSmoothQuadraticCurvetoAbs Adds smooth quadratic curve to relative point to current path. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.AddPathSmoothQuadraticCurvetoRel Adds smooth quadratic curve to relative point to current path. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.Affine Applies an affine transformation. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.ClipPath Select a drawing clip path matching name. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.DrawPath Draw on image using vector path. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.PopClipPath Pop (terminate) clip path definition started by GMImage.PushClipPath. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.PushClipPath Push (create) clip path definition with new name. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.Rotating Set rotation to use when drawing. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.Scaling Apply scaling in x and y direction while drawing objects. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.SkewX Apply Skew in X direction. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.SkewY Apply Skew in Y direction. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.Translation Apply coordinate translation. | All |
✅ Server |
Hash.Digest Calculates a hash of a value. | All |
✅ Server |
JSON.CreateStringArrayWithList Creates a new JSON with a string array with given values. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseAND Perform bitwise AND operation. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseNOT Perform bitwise not operation. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseOR Perform bitwise or operation. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseShiftLeft Perform bitwise shift left. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseShiftRight Perform bitwise shift right. | All |
✅ Server |
Math.BitwiseXOR Perform bitwise xor operation. | All |
✅ Server |
Menu.AddItem Adds a menu item to the end of the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.AddItems Adds a couple of menu items. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.CreateMenu Creates a menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetAllowsContextMenuPlugIns Returns whether the popup menu allows appending of contextual menu plugin items. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetMinimumWidth Returns the minimum width of the menu. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetScriptFileName Queries which file contains the script to be run if menu item is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to be run if menu item is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetShowsStateColumn Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver displays the state column. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetTag Queries the tag value of the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.GetTitle Queries the menu title. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.InsertItem Inserts a menu item into the receiver at a specific location. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.NumberOfItems Returns the number of menu items in the menu, including separator items. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.PopUp Pops up the menu at the specified location. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.Release Releases the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.ReleaseAll Releases all menus and menu items. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.RemoveAllItems Removes all the menu items in the receiver. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.RemoveItem Removes a menu item from the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.RemoveItemAtIndex Removes the menu item at a specified location in the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.SelectedItem Returns the reference number of the selected menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetAllowsContextMenuPlugIns Sets whether the popup menu allows appending of contextual menu plugin items. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetMinimumWidth Set the minimum width of the menu. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetScriptAction Sets which script is called if a menu item in this menu is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetShowsStateColumn Sets whether the receiver displays the state column. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetTag Sets the tag of the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.SetTitle Sets the menu title. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.CreateMenuItem Creates a new menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.CreateSeparator Creates a new separator menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetAlternate Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is an alternate to the previous menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetAttributedTitle Queries the title with styles. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetEnabled Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is enabled. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetHidden Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the menu item is hidden. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetImage Queries the image for this menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetKeyEquivalent Returns the menuitem's unmodified keyboard equivalent. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetKeyEquivalentModifierMask Returns the receiver's keyboard equivalent modifier mask. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetMixedStateImage Returns the image used to depict a mixed state. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetOffStateImage Returns the image used to depict the receiver's off state. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetOnStateImage Returns the image used to depict the receiver's on state. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetParentItem Returns the menu item whose submenu contains the menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetScriptFileName Queries which file contains the script to be run if menu item is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetScriptName Queries the script name of the script to be run if menu item is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetState Returns the state of the menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetSubMenu Returns the submenu associated with the receiving menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetTag Queries the tag value of the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetTitle Queries title of menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetToolTip Returns the help tag for a menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.GetUserKeyEquivalent Returns the user-assigned key equivalent for the menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.HasSubmenu Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver has a submenu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.IsSeparatorItem Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is a separator item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.Release Releases the menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetAlternate Marks the receiver as an alternate to the previous menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetAttributedTitle Applies a formatted text to the menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetEnabled Sets whether the menu item is enabled. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetHidden Sets whether the menu item is hidden. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetImage Sets the menu item image. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetKeyEquivalent Sets the receiver's unmodified key equivalent. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetKeyEquivalentModifierMask Sets the menu items's keyboard equivalent modifiers. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetMixedStateImage Sets the image of the receiver that indicates a "mixed” state, that is, a state neither "on” nor "off.” | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetOffStateImage Sets the image of the receiver that indicates an "off” state. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetOnStateImage Sets the image of the receiver that indicates an "on” state. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetScriptAction Sets which script is called if a menu item in this menu is selected. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetState Sets the state of the menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetSubMenu Sets the submenu of the menu item. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetTag Sets the tag of the menu. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetTitle Sets the menuitem's title. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MenuItem.SetToolTip Sets a help tag for a menu item. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
PrintDialog.GetDuplex Queries the duplex mode. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
PrintDialog.SetDuplex Sets duplex mode for next printing. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
RunTask.AddArgument Deprecated Adds the argument that should be used to launch the executable to the arguments list. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
RunTask.ReadErrorText Deprecated Reads what is in the buffer for the error stream. | Mac only |
✅ Server |
RunTask.ReadOutputText Deprecated Reads what is in the buffer for the output stream. | Mac only |
✅ Server |
RunTask.WriteInputText Deprecated Writes text to the input buffer for the app. | Mac only |
✅ Server |
Time.Sleep Delays execution for the given number of milliseconds. | All |
✅ Server |
WebView.CanResetPageZoom Whether web page can be reset. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.CanZoomPageIn Whether web page can be zoomed in. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.CanZoomPageOut Whether web page can be zoomed out. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.GetMediaVolume Queries the maximum volume of all sounds generated on this WebViewer. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.GetPageSizeMultiplier Queries the page size multiplier. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.MakeTextLarger Increases the text size. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.MakeTextSmaller Decreases the text size. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.MakeTextStandardSize Sets text to standard size. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.ResetPageZoom Resets the web page zoom. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.SetMediaVolume Sets the maximum volume of all sounds generated on this web view. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.SetPageSizeMultiplier Sets the page size multiplier. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.ZoomPageIn Zooms web page in. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.ZoomPageOut Zooms web page out. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
169 functions shown.
These functions require a license (62%).