Components | All | New | MacOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | ||||
Examples | Mac & Win | Server | Client | Guides | Statistic | FMM | Blog | Deprecated | Old |
New in version 5.0
Item | Details | Server |
Barcode.EANChecksum Calculates checksum for EAN barcodes. | All |
✅ Server |
Barcode.ISBNChecksum Calculates checksum for ISBN barcodes. | All |
✅ Server |
Clipboard.GetRTFText Queries styled text from clipboard as RTF. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
Clipboard.GetStyledText Queries styled text from clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
Clipboard.SetRTFText Puts RTF data on the clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
Clipboard.SetStyledText Put styled text on the clipboard. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
Dictionary.Clear Clears the dictionary content. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.Count Returns number of keys in the dictionary. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.Create Creates a new dictionary. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.HasKey Checks if the given key exists in dictionary. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.KeyAtIndex Returns key with given index. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.Keys Returns list with all keys. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.Release Releases dictionary and all memory used. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.RemoveKey Removes value with given key. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.SetValueForKey Stores value for given key. | All |
✅ Server |
Dictionary.ValueForKey Queries value for the key. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.BeginLayer The function opens a layer in the current open page or template. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.BeginPattern This function creates a new tiling pattern. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.BeginTemplate The function creates a template and opens it so that arbitrary contents can be drawn into it. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.ChangeAnnotName Changes or deletes the optional unique name of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.ChangeAnnotPos Changes the position and size of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.ChangeLinkAnnot Changes the link of a file link or web link annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.CircleAnnot Draws a circle annotation on the current open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteAcroForm The function deletes a maybe existing Interactive Form. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteActionFromObjEx This function deletes an action from a PDF object. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteAnnotation Deletes an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteEmbeddedFile The function deletes an embedded file. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteField This function deletes an interactive form field. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteFieldEx Deletes a field by name. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteJavaScripts Deletes all global JavaScripts. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeletePageLabels Deletes all page labels contained in the current open document, if any. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteSeparationInfo Deletes the separation of the current open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteTemplate Deletes a template. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteTemplateEx Deletes a template by using an index instead of a template handle. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.DeleteXFAForm Deletes a maybe existing XFA form (XML based form) if any. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.Ellipse Draws an ellipse. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.EndLayer Closes a layer that was opened by DynaPDF.BeginLayer. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.EndPattern Closes an open pattern. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.FileAttachAnnot Inserts a file attachment annotation on the current open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.FindLinkAnnot Searches for a file link or web link annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.FreeTextAnnot Creates a Free Text annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAnnotCount Returns the number of annotations currently used in the document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAnnotFlags Returns the default flags used for newly created annotations. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAnnotLink Returns the URL or file path of a file link annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAnnotType Returns the type of a specific annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAnnotation Queries details about an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetAscent Returns the ascender of the active font. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetCMapCount Returns the number of available CMap files. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetColorSpaceCount Returns the number of color space objects which are used in the current document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetDocInfoCount Returns the number of document info entries defined in the document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetInDocInfoCount Queries number of document info in import file. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetJavaScriptCount Returns the number of global JavaScripts contained in a document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageAnnotCount Returns the number of annotations which are used by a page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageAnnotation Queries details about an annotation on current open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageFieldCount Returns the number of fields used by a page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageLabel Retrieves the properties of a page label. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageLabelCount Returns the number of page labels defined in the document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetPageNum Returns the page number of the currently open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetTemplHeight Returns the height of a template. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetTemplWidth Returns the width of a template. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetTextWidth Computes the width of a text string. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetTransparentColor Returns the transparent color value that is used for newly inserted images. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetTrapped Returns the trapped key of the document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetUseExactPwd Queries if exact password is needed to unlock PDF. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetUseGlobalImpFiles Queries if global import files are used. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.GetUseVisibleCoords Queries whether DynaPDF should consider the crop box to calculate the position of an object. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.HighlightAnnot Creates a Highlight annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.IsColorPage Checks whether a page is a color page or if all graphic elements of the page use black & white only. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.IsEmptyPage Checks whether a page is empty. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.LineAnnot Creates a line annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.LockLayer Adds a layer to the list of locked layers. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.RenderPDFFile Renders whole PDF file in current PDF to an image. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotBorderStyle Sets or changes the border style of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotBorderWidth Sets or changes the border width of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotColor Sets or changes the color of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotDate Sets or changes the creation or modification date of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotFlags Sets the default flags used for new annotations. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotFlagsEx Sets or changes the flags of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotHighlightMode Sets or changes the highlight mode of a link annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotIcon Sets or changes the icon of a text annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotLineEndStyle Sets or changes the line end styles of a Line or PolyLine Annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotOpenState Sets the open state of a markup or PopUp annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotString Sets, changes, or deletes a string of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetAnnotSubject Sets or changes the optional subject string of an annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetFieldDate Sets or changes the creation or modification date of a field. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetTransparentColor Sets the transparent color which is used for newly inserted images. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetTrapped Sets the trapped key of the document. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetUseExactPwd Whether to require exact passwords. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetUseGlobalImpFiles Sets whether to use global import file. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SetUseVisibleCoords Whether DynaPDF should consider the crop box to calculate to position of an object. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.SquareAnnot Draws a square annotation on the current open page. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.StampAnnot Creates a stamp annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.TextAnnot Creates a text annotation. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.UnLockLayer Removes a layer from the list of locked layers. | All |
✅ Server |
DynaPDF.WriteDemoText Writes a demo text like the DynaPDF demo watermark. | All |
✅ Server |
FM.RunDatabaseDesignReport Performs a data design report automatically. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
FM.StopScriptIdle Stops any idle timer. | Mac/Win/Linux |
✅ Server |
Files.DiskInfo Queries information about a volume. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.FindColorInColumn Locates first pixel in the column with given color. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.FindColorInRow Locates first pixel in the row with given color. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.ImageCount Queries number of open images. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.MultiplyChannel Multiplies all values in a channel. | All |
✅ Server |
GMImage.PurgeTemporaryFiles Asks GraphicsMagick to purge all temp files. | All |
✅ Server |
HotKey.GetScriptFileName Queries filename of script to call in case of event. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
HotKey.GetScriptName Queries name of script to call in case of event. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
HotKey.Register Registers a global hot key based on the virtual key code and modifiers. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
HotKey.SetScript Sets which script to call if hotkey is pressed. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
HotKey.Unregister Unregisters a hotkey and frees resources. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Is64bit Checks if platform is 64bit or 32bit. | All |
✅ Server |
List.BestMatch Looks for best match of a text in a list of texts. | All |
✅ Server |
ListDialog.GetAllowEmptySelection Queries whether empty selection is allowed. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
ListDialog.SetAllowEmptySelection Sets whether empty selection is allowed. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.ItemAtIndex Queries the ID of the menu item with given index. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menu.Items Queries the list of IDs for the menu items. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menubar.HasMenuCommand Checks whether menu command exists. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menubar.ListMenuCommands Lists all menu commands. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menubar.RunMenuCommand Runs a menu command. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
Menubar.SetMenuCommandShortcut Sets the menu item shortcut. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Menubar.SetMenuCommandVisible Show or hide a menu command. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MountNotification.Install Installs a script trigger to be called when a disk mounts/unmounts. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MountNotification.Uninstall Uninstalls notification for mount script trigger. | Mac/Win |
❌ Server |
MovieView.PauseDelayed Pauses a video later. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
MovieView.SetCurrentTime Sets position of the movie. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
PDFKit.AddEmptyPage Adds an empty page to the given PDF document. | Mac/iOS |
✅ Server |
PDFKit.AddImagePage Adds a new page to PDF document with given image. | Mac/iOS |
✅ Server |
PDFKit.GetPDFPageValue Queries a page property. | Mac/iOS |
✅ Server |
PDFKit.NewPDFDocument Creates a new empty PDF and returns a PDF Reference value. | Mac/iOS |
✅ Server |
Path.FilePathToFileURL Converts a file path to a local file URL. | All |
✅ Server |
Path.FileURLToFilePath Converts a file URL to a local file path. | All |
✅ Server |
Plugin.BuildNumber Queries the build number of the plugin. | All |
✅ Server |
PrintDialog.GetPaperName Deprecated Queries printer name. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
PrintDialog.SetPaperName Deprecated Sets paper name. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
PrintDialog.SetPrintType Sets what FileMaker will print. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
QTMovie.FormatTime Formats a time value. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
QTMovie.ParseTime Parses a time value. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
QTMovie.StopDelayed Pauses a video later. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
QuickList.AddList Adds a list of values to a quick list. | All |
✅ Server |
QuickList.AddQuickList Adds the content of second list to first list. | All |
✅ Server |
QuickList.BestMatch Looks for best match of a text in a list of texts. | All |
✅ Server |
QuickList.HasValue Checks whether a list contains a given value. | All |
✅ Server |
QuickList.Remove Removes the value with the given index. | All |
✅ Server |
QuickList.RemoveValue Removes a value from a quick list. | All |
✅ Server |
SerialPort.GetParity Queries parity setting. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
SerialPort.GetStopBits Queries number of stop bits. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
SerialPort.SetParity Sets parity setting. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
SerialPort.SetStopBits Sets number of stop bits. | Mac/Win |
✅ Server |
SystemInfo.HostDNSName Queries the domain name for the host name. | All |
✅ Server |
TAPI.GetCallStateScriptFileName Queries the file name set for state changes on calls. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.GetCallStateScriptName Queries the script name set for state changes on calls. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.GetNewCallScriptFileName Queries the file name set for new calls. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.GetNewCallScriptName Queries the script name set for new calls. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.ListenOnAddress Asks the plugin to check for one address and wait for calls. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.Release Releases one call and all it's resources used by the plugin. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.ReleaseAll Releases all calls known by the plugin. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.SetCallStateScript Sets which script to call when a call changes state. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.SetNewCallScript Sets which script to call when a new call is detected. | Win only |
❌ Server |
TAPI.Transfer Transfers the current call to the destination address. | Win only |
❌ Server |
Trace.AreErrorNotificationsEnabled Checks whether error notifications are enabled. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Trace.DisableErrorNotifications Disables error notifications. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
Trace.EnableErrorNotifications Enable error notifications. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.Cookies.ClearForURL Deletes all cookies for a given website. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.Cookies.Count Deprecated Queries number of cookies. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.Cookies.Query Deprecated Queries a property of a cookie. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.GetFormattedText Queries the current text of the document. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.GetIcon Queries the favorite icon of current webpage. | Mac only |
❌ Server |
WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalMaximum Queries maximum value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.Scrollbar.getHorizontalPosition Queries current value for horizontal scrollbar. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalMaximum Queries maximum value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.Scrollbar.getVerticalPosition Queries current value for vertical scrollbar. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.Scrollbar.set Scrolls to the given coordinates. | Mac/iOS |
❌ Server |
WebView.SelectedText Queries text of current selection. | Mac/Win/iOS |
❌ Server |
XL.Date.DoubleToTimeStamp Converts a timestamp number to a timestamp value. | All |
✅ Server |
XL.Date.TimeStampToDouble Converts a date to a numeric value for writing in a number cell. | All |
✅ Server |
XL.Sheet.CellReadDate Reads a number value from a cell. | All |
✅ Server |
XL.Sheet.CellWriteDate Writes a number into cell. | All |
✅ Server |
175 functions shown.
These functions require a license (76%).